- Overview
- Callout
- Complex Scenarios
- Credentials
- Data Service
- Form
- Release notes
- Project compatibility
- Real Time Forms
- Updating form data
- Running forms using JavaScript
- Customizing Forms Using CSS
- Conditional components
- Adding multiple components on the same row in Columns
- Using the Data Table component
- Get File/Folder path
- Reading cell values from a Data Grid component
- Displaying PDF files
- Displaying images in forms
- Scrolling through Data Grids
- Using Dev Tools with forms
- Calculate form component values
- Managing dates in forms
- Opening hyperlinks inside forms
- Displaying a default tab in forms
- Displaying the full label of a component
- Searching long strings in drop-down lists
- About the pre 23.4 Form experience
- Project Compatibility
- Real Time Forms
- Dynamic Checkboxes
- Conditional Dropdowns
- Displaying a Default Tab
- Displaying Images
- Displaying PDF Files
- Displaying the Full Label
- Dynamic HTML Elements
- Managing Dates
- Searching Long Strings in Drop-downs
- Customizing Forms Using Local CSS Files
- Executing Do Block On Checkbox Change
- Customizing Columns Width
- Updating Form Data
- Resetting Collection Data
- Advanced Logic
- Executing Do Block on Dropdown Option Change
- Reading Cell Values From a Data Grid Component
- Conditional Components
- Scrolling Through Data Grid Components
- Using the Grid Component
- Dev Tools
- Calculated Value
- Dynamic Dropdowns
- Switching Tabs With Button Click
- Opening Hyperlinks Inside Form
- Persistence
- Release notes
- Project compatibility
- About the Persistence activity package
- Bulk Form Designer
- Start Job And Get Reference
- Wait For Job And Resume
- Add Queue Item And Get Reference
- Wait For Queue Item And Resume
- Wait For Form Task And Resume
- Resume After Delay
- Assign Tasks
- Create External Task
- Wait For External Task And Resume
- Complete Task
- Forward Task
- Get Form Tasks
- Get Task Data
- Get App Tasks
- Add Task Comment
- Update Task Labels
- Create App Task
- Wait For App Task And Resume
- Configure task timer
- Working with App tasks
- Building Your First Form Action
- Advanced Controls for Drop-downs
- Embedding Objects in Form Actions
- Allowing Users to Upload Files to the Storage Bucket
- Adding Advanced Logic Using Java Script
- Setting a Default Tab
- Removing the Delete button from Edit Grid using custom CSS
- Customizing Edit Grid templates
- Using buttons to trigger custom logic
- Using an External Form Layout
- Dynamically expanding form components at runtime
- Aligning the content of a form component from left to right using JSON attributes
- Sample Workflows
- Automation Ops Pipelines
- System
- Release notes
- About the System activity package
- Project compatibility
- Supported character encoding
- RegEx Builder Wizard
- Add Data Column
- Add Data Row
- Add Log Fields
- Add or Subtract from Date
- Add Transaction Item
- Add Queue Item
- Append Item to Collection
- Append Item to List
- Append Line
- Beep
- Break / Exit Loop
- Browse for File
- Browse for Folder
- Build Collection
- Build Data Table
- Bulk Add Queue Items
- Change Case for Text
- Change Type
- Check False
- Check True
- Clear Data Table
- Collection to Data Table
- Comment
- Compress/Zip Files
- Copy File
- Copy Folder
- Combine text
- Comment Out / Disabled Activities
- Continue / Skip Current
- Create File
- Create Folder
- Create List
- Custom Input
- Delete
- Delete File
- Delete Folder
- Delete Storage File
- Delete Queue Items
- Disable Local Trigger
- Do While
- Download file from URL
- Download Storage File
- Enable Local Trigger
- Evaluate Business Rule
- Exists in Collection
- Extract/Unzip Files
- Extract Date and Time from Text
- Extract Text
- File Change Trigger
- File Exists
- Filter Collection
- Filter Data Table
- Folder Exists
- For Each
- For Each File in Folder
- File Change Trigger V3
- Find and Replace
- Find Matching Patterns
- For Each Folder in Folder
- For Each Row in Data Table
- Format Date as Text
- Format Value
- Generate Data Table From Text
- Get Asset
- Get Credential / Get Orchestrator Credential
- Get Current Job Info
- Get Environment Folder
- Get Environment Variable
- Get File Info
- Get Folder Info
- Get Jobs
- Get Processes
- Get Row Item
- Get Transaction Item
- Get Username/Password
- Get Queue Items
- Global Variable Changed Trigger
- Input Dialog
- Invoke Code
- Invoke Com Method
- Invoke Power Shell
- Invoke Process
- Invoke VBScript
- Invoke Workflow File
- Is Text Matching
- Join Data Tables
- Kill Process
- Launch Workflow Interactive
- List Storage Files
- Log Message
- Lookup Data Table
- Manual Trigger
- Merge Collections
- Merge Data Table
- Message Box
- Modify Date
- Modify Text
- Move File
- Move Folder
- Multiple Assign
- New Item Added to Queue
- Notify Global Variable Changed
- Orchestrator HTTP Request
- Output Data Table
- Path Exists
- Postpone Transaction Item
- Process End Trigger
- Process Start Trigger
- Raise Alert
- Read List Item
- Read Text File
- Read Storage Text
- Remove Data Column
- Remove Data Row
- Remove Duplicate Rows
- Remove From Collection
- Remove Log Fields
- Replace Matching Patterns
- Repeat Number of Times
- Repeat Trigger
- Rename File
- Rename Folder
- Report Status
- Reset Timer
- Resume Timer
- Retry Scope
- Return
- Run Local Triggers
- Run Parallel Process
- Set Asset
- Set Credential
- Set Environment Variable
- Set Transaction Progress
- Set Transaction Status
- Should Stop
- Split Text
- Sort Data Table
- Start Timer
- Start Job
- Stop Job
- Stop Local Triggers
- Stop Timer
- Text to Left/Right
- Text to Upper/Lowercase
- Time Trigger
- Trigger Scope
- Timeout Scope
- Update Row Item
- Update List Item
- Upload Storage File
- Wait for Download
- Wait Queue Item
- While
- Workflow Placeholder
- Write Storage Text
- Write Text File
- AddDataRow
- AddQueueItem
- AddTransactionItem
- AppendLine
- BulkAddQueueItems
- ClearDataTable
- CompressZipFiles
- CopyFile
- CreateFile
- CreateFolder
- DeleteFileOrFolder
- DeleteQueueItems
- DeleteStorageFile
- DownloadStorageFile
- ExtractUnzipFiles
- FilterDataTable
- GetAsset
- GetCredential
- GetJobs
- GetQueueItem
- GetQueueItems
- GetResourceForLocalPath
- GetRowItem
- GetTransactionItem
- InvokeProcess
- JoinDataTables
- ListStorageFiles
- LookUpDataTable
- MergeDataTable
- MoveFile
- OrchestratorHTTPRequest
- OutputDataTable
- PathExists
- PostponeTransactionItem
- ReadStorageText
- ReadTextFile
- RemoveDataColumn
- RemoveDuplicateRows
- Replace
- SetAsset
- SetCredential
- SetTransactionProgress
- SetTransactionStatus
- SortDataTable
- StartJob
- StopJob
- UpdateRowItem
- UploadStorageFile
- WaitQueueItem
- WriteStorageText
- WriteTextFile
- Testing
- Release notes
- About the Testing activity package
- Project compatibility
- Project Settings
- Add Test Data Queue Item
- Address
- Attach Document
- Bulk Add Test Data Queue Items
- Create Comparison Rule
- Delete Test Data Queue Items
- Get Test Data Queue Item
- Get Test Data Queue Items
- Given Name
- Last Name
- Random Date
- Random Number
- Random String
- Random Value
- Verify Control Attribute
- Verify Documents Equivalence
- Verify Expression
- Verify Expression With Operator
- Verify Range
- Verify Text Equivalence
- Address
- AddTestDataQueueItem
- AttachDocument
- BulkAddTestDataQueueItems
- DeleteTestDataQueueItems
- GetTestDataQueueItem
- GetTestDataQueueItems
- GivenName
- LastName
- RandomDate
- RandomNumber
- RandomString
- RandomValue
- VerifyAreEqual
- VerifyAreNotEqual
- VerifyContains
- VerifyExpression
- VerifyExpressionWithOperator
- VerifyIsGreater
- VerifyIsGreaterOrEqual
- VerifyIsLess
- VerifyIsLessOrEqual
- VerifyIsRegexMatch
- VerifyRange
- Workflow Events
- Workflow Foundation
Workflow Activities
Retry Scope
Retries the contained activities as long as the condition is not met or an error is thrown.
- The and Retry Scope activities are not supported and do not work properly when used in the Main workflow of an Orchestration Process. In such cases, they should be placed inside a No Persist Scope activity.
Designer panel
- Action - Add activities to be re-executed in this section.
- Condition - Add a condition activity in this section.
For instance, to fail and retry gracefully when indicating a UI element, you can use the Modern UI Automation Check App State activity or it's Classic Element Exists counterpart as a condition and attempt again to open the application and find the UI element.
Properties panel
Continue On Error - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank, an error is thrown, or the number of retries is exceeded, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
Note: If this activity is included in Try Catch and the value of the ContinueOnError property is True, no error is caught when the project is executed. -
DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
- Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
- Number Of Retries - The number of times that the sequence is to be retried.
- Retry Interval - Specifies the amount of time between each retry.
Designer panel
- ActivityBody - Add activities to be re-executed in this section.
- Condition - Add a condition activity in this section.
For instance, to fail and retry gracefully when indicating a UI element, you can use the Modern UI Automation Check App State activity as a condition and attempt again to open the application and find the UI element.
Additional properties
Continue On Error - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank, an error is thrown, or the number of retries is exceeded, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
Note: If this activity is included in Try Catch and the value of the ContinueOnError property is True, no error is caught when the project is executed.
- Number Of Retries - The number of times that the sequence is to be retried.
- Retry Interval - Specifies the amount of time between each retry.
The Retry Scope activity is used for catching and handling an error, which is why it’s similar to the Try Catch one.
The following workflow attempts to open the Notepad window 3 times and uses the condition set in the Retry Scope activity to stop the loop:
If the value of the Random variable is different than zero three times in a row, the “Notepad Window failed to start” message is displayed every time and the entire workflow fails with the “Notepad failed to start” error. The second message is the one you added in the Throw activity.
If the value of the Random variable is zero, the Robot opens Notepad and because the condition of this loop is to find the Notepad window, the workflow is successfully completed.
- Create a new sequence and add the Retry Scope activity.
- In the Properties panel, set the value
for the Number Of Retries, and set the value5
for Retry Interval. This means that we attempt to open the Notepad window three times and the interval between tries is five seconds. - In the Action section, add an Assign activity:
- In the Save to field of the Assign activity, create a variable and name it "Random".
In the Value to save field, write the following expression:
(Now.Millisecond Mod 5).ToString()
(Now.Millisecond Mod 5).ToString()
- In the Action section, add an If activity.
- In the Condition field, add the following expression, where "Random" is the previously created variable. The expression checks if the variable
value is different than zero:
Random <> "0"
Random <> "0" - In the Then section of the If activity:
- Add a Message box activity with the following Text: “Notepad Window failed to start”.
- Under the Message Box, add a Throw activity, and provide the following expression in the Exception field:
New System.Exception(“Notepad failed to start”)
New System.Exception(“Notepad failed to start”)These activities execute when the condition is true.
In the Else section of the If activity:
Add an Open Application activity and indicate the Notepad application on the screen. Make sure the FileName field contains the full path to the Notepad executable file on your device.
This activity executes when the condition is false.
- In the Condition field, add the following expression, where "Random" is the previously created variable. The expression checks if the variable
value is different than zero:
To exit the loop, in the Condition section of Retry Scope activity, add a Check App State activity and indicate the Notepad window.