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Workflow Activities

Last updated Mar 11, 2025


This section includes testing related activities found in the Testing.Activities package.

Test data plays a critical role in testing. Due to data regulations such as GDPR, it is not possible to use production data during testing. UiPath provides a set of activities, that allow you to create synthetic test data.

This section includes verification and testing related activities found in the Testing.Activities package. Through these activities, you can create synthetic test data. The table below shows the activities available in the package.
Note: Verify activities do not support taking screenshots on macOS and Linux operating systems.
Add Test Data Queue ItemAdds a DataRow to a specified TestDataQueue.
AddressGenerates a random valid address.
Attach DocumentAttach documents to your test execution results to have proof of the outcome.
Bulk Add Test Data Queue ItemsAdd a data table to a specified test data queue.
Delete Test Data Queue ItemsDelete specified test data queue items.
Get Test Data Queue ItemExtracts a DataRow from a specified TestDataQueue.
Get Test Data Queue ItemsExtracts data rows from a specified TestDataQueue.
Given NameSelects a random value from a list of common given names.
Last NameSelects a random value from a list of common last names.
Random DateGenerates a random date between two dates
Random NumberGenerates a random integer with a given length.
Random StringGenerates a random string with a given length and case.
Random ValuePicks a value from a 1-column list.
Verify Control AttributeVerifies the output of a given activity by asserting it in relation to a given expression.
Verify Documents EquivalenceVerifies if two documents are equivalent using multiple comparison options.
Verify ExpressionVerifies the truth value of a given expression.
Verify Expression With OperatorVerifies an expression by asserting it in relation to a given expression with an operator.
Verify RangeVerifies if an expression is located or not within a given range.
Verify Text EquivalenceVerifies if two texts are equivalent using multiple comparison options.

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