Workflow Activities
Last updated Sep 9, 2024

Run Form Script



Use this activity to execute custom JavaScript inside a specific form file or form instance.

Project compatibility



Designer panel
  • Select Form - Select the form file for which you want to execute custom JavaScript.
  • Source - Enter the JavaScript code that you want to execute.
Properties panel
  • Instance Name - If you want to execute custom JavaScript for a specific form instance, type the corresponding instance name here. If you want to execute the JavaScript for all form instances, leave this field empty.
  • Result - Input the variable where you can store the results of the custom JavaScript execution. An entry is present for every form that matched the selection from the activity (Form file, Instance Name), and that executed the script.


To learn how to execute custom JavaScript when you display forms, check out this tutorial.

  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration
  • Examples

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