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Workflow Activities

Last updated Dec 6, 2024

Show Form



Use this activity to display a form or multiple instances of the same form. This activity allows you to:
  • Modify the properties of a form or an instance of a form.
  • Display a form and continue the rest of the execution only when the form closes.
  • Display a form while the rest of the workflow is running.

Project compatibility



Designer panel
  • Select Form - The form that you want to show. You can select either a .uiform file or an HTML file from your project.

    uiform files are forms created in Studio, but you can also design form files using custom HTML.

  • Arguments Collection - A collection of key-value pairs, where Key is the Property Name of a form component, and Value is the variable or argument where you store the information that you want to either apply to a form or retrieve from it. In the Value field you can add global variables, too. You can use this collection of arguments to:
    • Set a value for a specific form component (using In or In/Out arguments).
    • Get the value of a specific component (using Out or In/Out arguments). The Outarguments are retrieved only after the form is submitted.
  • Continue workflow execution - Choose if you want to only display a form, or if you want to display a form, while the rest of the workflow is running. By default, this option is On, which means that the rest of the activities will run while the form is displayed.
Properties panel
  • Title - Give the form a title.
  • Form State - Choose the state of the form:
    • Normal
    • Minimized
    • Maximized
  • Show window frame - Show the margin and the header of the form.
  • Stay always on top - Choose if you want to show the form on top of any other open windows.
  • Show in taskbar - Choose if you want the form to appear in the taskbar of the machine.
  • Left - Set the left position of the form window, in screen pixels.
  • Top - Set the top position of the form window, in screen pixels.
  • Width - Set the width of the form window in screen pixels.
  • Height - Set the height of the form window in screen pixels.
  • Instance Name - If you want to show multiple instances of a form file, type a unique instance name here. If you have a single instance of a form file, leave this field empty.
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration

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