重要 :
このコンテンツの一部は機械翻訳によって処理されており、完全な翻訳を保証するものではありません。 Integration Service で提供されるコネクタ パッケージの一部は機械翻訳で処理されています。 新しいコンテンツの翻訳は、およそ 1 ~ 2 週間で公開されます。
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Integration Service ユーザー ガイド

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
最終更新日時 2024年12月18日

About the UiPath Data Service connector

The UiPath Data Service connector and activities pair offers triggers and activities that allow you to work with entities and records within UiPath Data Service.


The UiPath Data Service connector includes an activity package, and triggers. The activity package helps you automate entity-related operations, such as creating, reading, updating, or deleting records, individually or in bulk. The triggers help you dynamically start an entity-related activity.

Access the UiPath Data Service activities page to learn more.


The connector uses an internal UiPath authentication service. Any Automation Cloud user can access the authentication service.

Data Service connections are direct and secure, and do not require additional authentication parameters, such as user credentials or security keys.


The UiPath Data Service connector requires Data Service Units (DSUs) to execute Data Service operations. Learn more about Data Service Units from the Data Service user guide.

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