Workflow Activities
Last updated Sep 9, 2024

Release notes


Release date: 6 August 2024


Previously, the dropdown menu did not display Entities which were relevant to the activity. This occurred to activities without custom fields, and to file activities without file fields.

Such Entities are now visible in the dropdown menu. When you select an invalid entity, a validation error message displays, and indicates what you should fix in your Entity.

Known issues

The validation error message does not appear in the current version of Studio Desktop. It works as expected in Studio Web.


Release date: 24 October 2023

Bug fixes

Assigning variables to the Output Records property of the Create multiple entity records activity used to return null, but this issue has been resolved.


Release date: 8 June 2023

The Field input of activities that manage files (upload, delete, or download) now displays all the file fields of the selected entity in a dropdown.

docs image


Release date: 22 March 2023

Data Service activities are available for manipulation in cross-platform and Windows projects. For Windows legacy projects, 21.10.1 is the final compatible version of the activities pack. Keep in mind that new functionality only impacts versions 23.4.0 and newer.


Release date: 27 October 2021

Support for cross-platform projects

Use your entities and choice sets in Windows, as well as in Linux, as UiPath.DatasService.Activities pack v21.10.0 enables you to design cross-platform projects.


Release date: 1 July 2021

.NET Core Migration

Use your RPA skills and put Data Service to good use on more platforms, as UiPath.DataService.Activities pack now supports .NET Core framework.

Fix on CUD for System User Entity

A little bug has been squished as we fixed an error message about the Create, Update, and Delete operations regarding the System User entity.


Release date: 10 February 2021

New Features and Improvements

The following three new activities facilitating the manipulation of multiple entity records are now available:

  • Create Multiple Entity Records: UiPath.DataService.Activities.CreateMultipleEntityRecords<UiPath.DataService.Definition.IEntity>
  • Update Multiple Entity Records Activity: UiPath.DataService.Activities.UpdateMultipleEntityRecords<UiPath.DataService.Definition.IEntity>
  • Delete Multiple Entity Records Activity: UiPath.DataService.Activities.DeleteMultipleEntityRecords<UiPath.DataService.Definition.IEntity>


Release date: 1 December 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug to prevent Data Service activities to crash when Studio Telemetry was not enabled.


Release date: 26 October 2020

New Features and Improvements

The following three new activities have been added to enhance the manipulation of file fields in entity records:

  • Upload File to Record Field: UiPath.DataService.Activities.UploadFileToRecordField<UiPath.DataService.Definition.IEntity>
  • Download File from Record Field: UiPath.DataService.Activities.DownloadFileFromRecordField<UiPath.DataService.Definition.IEntity>
  • Delete File from Record Field: UiPath.DataService.Activities.UpdateEntityRecord<UiPath.DataService.Definition.IEntity>


Release date: 19 August 2020

New Features and Improvements

The first iteration of the DataService Activities pack brings 5 brand new activities to the table, enabling you to create workflows that fully utilize the power of the new Data Service feature.

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