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Integration Service 活动

上次更新日期 2025年3月12日



发布日期:2025 年 2 月 18 日

Version compatibility notice

This release doesn't include any improvements or fixes. We updated the package description displayed in Studio, to include details on how to get the latest version of Integration Service activities.

Use this version of the activity package only if you are on Studio Desktop 2023.4 or lower. If you are using Studio Desktop 2023.10 or higher, there's no need to install this version. Starting with Studio 2023.10, all Integration Service activities are delivered through the unified UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities package, as explained in Working with Integration Service activities. Starting with Studio 2025.0.161, it is even easier to access the latest version of Integration Service activities, because connectors are listed directly in the Manage Packages window. For details, see Managing Connectors in the Studio user guide.

Previous versions of this package are no longer listed in the Studio official feed, but they remain under the UiPath standard support policy for activity packages. Workflows using activities from unlisted versions will continue to work.

2024 年 3 月 13 日


我们将引入一个新活动:使用 GeMini 生成文本补全

现在,Google Vertex 活动中提供了一个模型 ID字段,使您可以选择要用于完成请求的大型语言模型。

2024 年 10 月 30 日

勘误 - 于 2024 年 3 月 13 日添加:此版本未在其原始日期宣布。


此活动包现在始终显示在 Studio“活动”面板的“可用”部分中。 要安装任何活动,请将其拖放到画布中(在 Studio Desktop 中)或添加到工作流中(在 Studio Web 中)。

您不必手动更新包。 作为 UiPath Automation Cloud™ 的一部分,活动包会自动更新。

此活动包可与 UiPath Studio 2023.10 及更高版本一起使用。


发布日期:2023 年 9 月 12 日


此版本标志着 Google Vertex 活动包正式发布。


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