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Automation Hub User Guide
June 2023
We've updated the look and feel of the Automation Profile Page based on collected customer feedback and research. See below the main changes that are coming with this release:
- You can now change the Phase & Status of an idea from the Automation Profile View mode. The Phase & Status field is no longer available in Edit mode.
- The bottom bar actions related to idea lifecycle is now removed (e.g. Approve, Reject, Put on hold, Mark as duplicate). Users with rights to advance an idea will now use the Phase & Status transitions available in the Automation Profile View mode, selecting the same actions: Approve, Reject, Put on hold, etc.
- A new Decomissioned status is available for ideas in Live phase to be chosen from the Update the Phase & Status dialog window.
The Automation Profile header is now reorganized:
- By default, it displays the Automation name, Business Area, Phase & Status, and Submitter name.
- The actions related to integrations are still in the Automation Profile View mode, but moved in the header, under the Actions drop-down list (e.g. Jira connection, Start development in Studio, Publish to Store, etc.).
- The Date Submitted, Development type, Idea type, and Priority fields are now grouped in a new section named Basic information, displayed by default in the sidebar of the automation profile.
Changes to the Submit idea form:
- The Submit idea button remains the starting point for all submission forms. This button now takes you to a unique form where you need to first select the category (business area) for the idea to be submitted. Based on the selection, the system loads the list with available idea flows (e.g. Employee-driven idea, CoE driven idea, Citizen Developer automation, Change request). If today you have one single option for submitting an idea, that option is still available in the new list of idea types. After selecting the category, the Idea Type is pre-populated with that flow only.
- Submit idea page now has an unique URL link. This means that old URLs for submission forms are now redirecting to only one URL, from where you can choose the Business Area and Idea type for your idea.
Impact of the above changes in Customize assessments > Overview assessment:
- Header information section was replaced by the Basic information section that can be found in the right side of the screen. This section includes the following fields: Date submitted, Development type, Idea type, Phase & Status, Priority and Submitter.
- The Idea source field is now renamed to Idea type. It continues to reflect the type of idea flow the user has selected when filling in the submission form.
About page - Edit mode:
- The Phase & Status field is no longer displayed in edit mode.
- The Submit assessment action is decommissioned. Users with rights to submit the Detailed assessment must now fill in the assessment, save it, and then update the Phase & Status from View mode to Qualification—Awaiting Review.
- Start development action is decommissioned. Users with rights to proceed with the development will now have the option to change Phase & Status from View mode to Development – In Progress and are no longer assigned as Citizen Developer.
- When the Start development in Studio action is used, the user is no longer assigned as Citizen Developer.
- The header is no longer visible in edit mode.
- Users with rights to edit the About page can no longer see the other profile pages (Cost Benefit Analysis, Documentation, Components, Collaborators, Change Requests, History) when editing the About page. You could not access these profile pages in the Edit mode, and there was no reason to show them.
Changes brought to assessments per category:
- Assessments are no longer tied to a category, the idea flows are connected to a category instead, and the Customize assessments
page is now revamped:
- The location of the page remains the same: under Platform setup.
- The Categories left navigation bar is removed.
- Assessments can still be created or edited on this page, being saved at tenant level (not under a specific category).
- The option to set an assessment version live is removed. You can now set which assessment version is used in each flow in the new Customize Idea Flows page.
- Next to each assessment version, the system now shows the number of idea flows that use that version.
- Assessments built on categories which have been migrated are now using the following naming convention: <Assessment version name> + <Category name>; (e.g. Default Assessment Legal).
- A new page is available under Platform setup > Customize Idea Flows.
- The existing idea flows are listed in the new page: Employee-driven idea, CoE driven idea, Citizen Developer automation, Task Mining idea, Process Mining idea, Change request.
- After analyzing and rethinking the way Idea Flow Customization information is structured on categories, going forward, the idea flows can be created on a specific category. An admin user can decide what assessments are to be used for each idea flow.
- The flows are structured on the following categories:
- The six default idea flows are created under All categories.
- Customers who had assessments per category created, are now having each assessment migrated under its specific flow built on a specific business area. For each flow built on a specific business area, the system automatically disables the same flow type from the upper category segments.
- No answers to existing automation ideas are impacted.
- Admins can choose which assessment types are needed in each flow, which version of each assessment and in what phase they need to be visible to users who access the automation profile pages.
Other changes:
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: Transition buttons for quicker change of Phase & Status of an automation, are now available in the Quick View menu of each idea under the Phase & Status field. This follows the same new design from the Automation Profile with the new header menu. The transition is also available in the three-dot menu, under Transition idea.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: The Quick View option from the three-dot menu is now removed. Instead, you can just click the idea name.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: In quick view, the Process Owner field is no longer displayed. The Process Owner cannot be assigned anymore from this menu. Below you can find out how to do this quicker from the Automation Profile instead while approving.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: You can now bulk delete ideas that are part of the same idea flow using Delete action from the bottom action bar.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: Idea flow variable (shows the variable of each idea flow as per the Customize idea flows page) column is available and Idea source column is now renamed as Idea type.
- Automation Profile: The Priority field no longer has the Not set option available in the dropdown. If ideas had this value in the past, it will be persisted. For new ideas, the value won't
be available for selection.
- Zero(0) priority was added as a new option. Even if available, we don't recommend using the value zero(0) from the Priority
field (or for any ranged question) as it does not change the existing priority and it also returns
if you fetch the field information via the API. - In the Open API, if the Not set value was applied to the Priority field, when using GET calls, the value would be represented as 0 or 127. This has now changed
and the value returned by the API for Priority = Not Set is
- Zero(0) priority was added as a new option. Even if available, we don't recommend using the value zero(0) from the Priority
field (or for any ranged question) as it does not change the existing priority and it also returns
- Automation Profile: A Process Owner can now be assigned by the Idea approver when the transition Approve in Idea phase is selected. A new dialog asks for the confirmation of the currently assigned process owner, or you can select one if there's none.
- Automation Profile: The status of an idea is now updated to Rejected, regardless of the rejection reason selected. Before, when 'Other' reason was selected, the idea's status was updated directly to Archived.
- Automation Profile: Five new columns in the Automation Pipeline containing the comments that a user leaves when the following actions are performed
in the Automation Profile:
- Reject Idea
- Reject Automation
- Archive Idea
- Archive Automation
- Delete
This change also helps you filter more precisely using columns in Automation Pipeline.
- Admin console > Platform setup > Customize assessments: New question type is available as Ranged number. This type of question displays the answer options in a dropdown list in the assessment form. It can contain all the integer positive numbers from 0 to the Max number range selected (options available: 3, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 250).
- Admin console > Platform setup > Customize assessments: Question is ‘Advanced setting’ is available in Question settings. With this setting selected, the field is editable only by collaborator roles that are assigned with “Edit the advanced settings of an idea or automation” permission.
Changes in permission assignation to default roles:
Citizen Developer automation previous flow | Citizen Developer automation current flow |
Citizen Developer Submitter - had permission to Edit About page, Manage Components and Manage Documentation in Business Review phase - “Awaiting Review” status. |
Citizen Developer Submitter - no longer has editing rights once the automation is submitted, the Business Reviewer needs to take the next steps. |
Business Reviewer - had permission to Edit all details of any Idea assigned in Business Review phase - only in “Awaiting Review” and “On hold” statuses. |
Business Reviewer - has permission “Edit all details of any Idea “ assigned in Business Review phase - ALL statuses. |
Business Reviewer - had permission to “Access to All and Review tables to perform Business Review of Automations” assigned in Business Review phase - only in “Awaiting Review” and “On hold” statuses. (this permission is for allowing to change the phase and status of the automation) |
Business Reviewer - has permission to “Update the Phase and Status of any idea” in Business Review phase - ALL statuses. |
Technical Reviewer - had permission to “Edit all details of any Idea” assigned in Technical Review phase - only in “Awaiting Review” and “On hold” statuses. |
Technical Reviewer - has permission “Edit all details of any Idea “ assigned in Technical Review phase - ALL statuses. |
Technical Reviewer - had permission to “Access to All and Review tables to perform Technical Review of Automations” assigned in Technical Review phase - only in “Awaiting Review” and “On hold” statuses. (this permission is for allowing to change the phase and status of the automation) |
Technical Reviewer - has permission to “Update the Phase and Status of any idea” in Technical Review phase - ALL statuses. |
Employee-driven idea and CoE-driven idea previous flows | Employee-driven idea and CoE-driven idea current flows |
Project Manager - had permission to “Update the Phase and Status of the idea or automation during implementation” assigned in Qualification - Approved phase/status and in the four implementation phases. | Project Manager - has permission to “Update the Phase and Status of any idea” where they are assigned as collaborators in Qualification phase - ALL statuses. |
- Automation Profile > Edit mode: Changes were not saved after adding a forth package and making modifications to the inital three packages, from the Execution Assessment.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: Values displayed in Japanese in Automation Pipeline were displayed in English in the exported CSV file.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: Using submitter business unit filter, if one of the selection had a special character in it, the results were not displayed properly.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: An error was shown after submitting data too quickly after filling in a modal that required confirmation text.(e.g. Rejecting an ideea in Automation Pipeline and submitting imediatly after leaving a comment in the Leave a Comment section)