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Automation Hub User Guide
Last updated Dec 12, 2024
July 2020
Build number: 2020.7.2
Account Owners have a new Settings page that enables them to easily configure the availability of certain Automation Hub functionalities for their tenant. This page can be accessed in Admin Console > Account > Settings. By accessing the Settings page the Account Owner can decide if the following options remain available for their tenant:
- File Upload
- Task Capture
- Components
- Leaderboard
- Automation Profile > About > Similar Automations section: when linking an automation idea as being similar to the one you are updating, the connection is made in both Automation Profile pages. This signifies that the Similar Automations section from the About page of the idea you linked will also be updated automatically with the idea you linked earlier.
- The message displayed if a Direct Manager/Program Manager tries to approve an idea that does not have an assigned Process Owner is enhanced and provides now details on how to solve the issue.
- The Average Employee Full Cost/Year field available in the Automation's Detailed Assessment form as well as in the submission form for the CoE-driven Idea, is now prepopulated with the tenant's currency symbol.
- Automation Profile > Cost Benefit Analysis > Edit Mode > Volume Split Estimations > Human After Automation Costs displayed value is enhanced as due to rounding of the values, it had a slight difference in comparison with applying the Automation Potential % on the Human before automation costs.
- To facilitate the visualization suggestive icons are available for each task listed under My Tasks pages.
- Dashboards > Average Automation Cost > By Cost Type section: the costs with a value defined as 0 are not represented in the chart.
- Automation Profile > Cost Benefit Analysis > Edit mode > Other Running Costs Section: the name of the columns referring to the Cost description, Cost/Year, Cost/Month was inaccurate. Furthermore, the name of the Cost Description and Total RPA Software Costs labels were inaccurate and were updated to License Type and Total Running Costs.
- Automation Profile > About > Edit mode > Similar Automations section: if the user clicked the Delete option for an automation previously linked as similar to the one currently editing the Delete Automation wrapper jumped to the next similar Automation linked.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: when attempting to search an automation using its ID no results were displayed.
- Admin Console > User Roles: to disable a certain role the user needed to reload the page after selecting the Disable option from the Actions drop-down.
- Dashboards > Average Automation Cost > By Ease of Implementation section: the display for the total number of Automations was not centered.
- Dashboards > Average Automation Cost: if Running Costs view was selected for the three By Ease of Implementation charts, and after this, a PDF was downloaded, the title of the chart remained the same as for the All Costs view.
- Several messages displayed during the Create Trial Tenant procedure were not translated to Japanese.
Build number: 2020.7.1
- Program Managers and System Admins have now the option to Download the Automation Program Performance and the Average Automation Cost Dashboards as .pdf files.
- Dashboards > Planning Report: 2 new rows are now available on each page of the report. These provide information about the subtotal of the current page and an average of all items from the table.
- System Admin users are now able to delete components uploaded by other users.
- Automation Profile > About > View mode: the System Admin and Program Manager users have access to the Benefit (FTEs) below the Bubble chart.
- Automation Profile > Documentation: the Preview function is now improved with the possibility to access a preview of any .docx or .pdf file.
- Automation Profile > Documentation: the error message displayed when an invalid task capture file was added is now enhanced in order to guide the user on the next steps.
- Trimming behavior was implemented for several fields. This targets the cases when users copy/paste a text that contains more characters than the intended field character limit.
Japanese localized platform
- The Trial sign up experience is now localized to Japanese. Furthermore, users who start their journey from have the Japanese documentation templates setup as default.
- The signup experience for users who are invited into an existing localized tenant is now enhanced.
- All the CSV downloaded file names are now localized. This update is applicable in all the locations where the Download CSV option is displayed.
- Admin Console > User Roles > Edit Role: when trying to edit a role that is already used, the Delete and Disable actions did not display the tooltip providing information about the reason they are unavailable.
- Admin Console > Manage Components: the option to edit predefined components was not available for users with System Admin permissions.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > Decision Pipeline: after applying/clearing filter options the name of the automation that was displayed first in the table was inaccurately displayed.
- Automation Profile page > Cost Benefit Analysis: Values Robot Working hours/day allowed inserting positive floats with 2 decimal points but saved the value as an integer.
- CoE driven ideas were not taken into consideration when awarding badges and achievements.