Marketplace User Guide
Last updated Jul 23, 2024

Start Workflow


Enables you to connect to your K2 Platform, handles the login, starts a K2 workflow with the specified parameters and includes an wizard for easy configuration. The body of the activity contains a Launch Wizard button so that you can customize your setting at any time.



  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.


  • Parameters - The parameters that can be passed to the K2 workflow at startup. If you use the workflow they will be retrieved from the K2 platform.

    Note: The Parameters accept only String, Integer, Double, Boolean and Datetime variables.
  • Password - The password for the K2 service.
  • Service URL - The instance URL for the K2 service.
  • Username - The username for the K2 service.
  • Workflow ID - The ID of the K2 workflow to be started.

    Note: Note that OAuth must be enabled on your K2 account in order to authenticate the activity. See K2's How-to Guide for help setting this up.


  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.


  • Workflow instance ID - The ID of the K2 instance that was started.

Start Wizard

The wizard allows you to configure the activity easily. The wizard can be accessed from the button in the body of the activity.

  1. Service URL - Specify the K2 endpoint.
  2. Username Field - Specify the K2 account username.
  3. Password Field - Specify the K2 account password.
  4. Workflows Selection - Specify which workflow you wish to start. The workflows are created and defined inside the K2 platform.
  5. Load Button - Once all the connection data has been inserted clicking Load will connect to the K2 server and generate the available workflows in the Workflow Selection control item.
  6. Edit Argument Button - If the connection was successful and you select a workflow, the parameters for that workflow are retrieved from the K2 platform workflow. On click a pop up will open that will allow you to edit the input arguments for the K2 workflow.
  7. Ok Button - Once the desired configuration data has been inserted the Ok button will close the wizard and update the property panel.
Note: Variables are not supported inside the wizard.
  • Properties
  • Common
  • Input
  • Misc
  • Output
  • Start Wizard

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