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Last updated Apr 16, 2024

Analyze General Tone

Analyzes written communications like tweets, emails, documents, transcripts, and book passages for the author's tone. There are 7 tones (in 2 categories) that can be identified:

Emotion: Anger, Fear, Joy, Sadness

Language: Analytical, Confident*, Tentative

Note: Note that the Confident tone is an estimation of the speaker/writer's confidence in his own words, not a confidence score as we usually encounter in statistical contexts. For example, "I am positive he is guilty" would be rated as Confident, whereas "I think he did it" would not; the latter may even be rated as Tentative.

This activity has the following limitations:

  • You may submit at most 1000 sentences to be analyzed collectively for Document Tone.
  • You may submit at most 100 sentences to be analyzed individually for Sentence Tone.



  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.


  • APIKey - The API key generated for your Tone Analyzer instance on IBM Cloud
  • URL - The URL generated for your Tone Analyzer instance on IBM Cloud


  • Text - The text to analyze for tone


  • InLanguage - The language of the inputted text
  • OutLanguage - The language in which the outputted tones are written
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.


  • Document Tone - The tone most prominent in the submitted text as a whole. Given as a Tone variable containing:
    • ToneName - The name of the tone
    • Confidence - A value between 0 and 1 indicating the Tone Analyzer's confidence that the tone selected accurately describes the text
  • Sentence Tones - An Array<SentenceTone> variable holding analyses of each individual sentence in the submitted text. SentenceTone variables contain:
    • SentenceNumber - The index (starting at 0) at which the described sentence appears in the text.
    • Text - The isolated text of the sentence
    • ToneName - The name of the tone found in this sentence
    • Confidence - A value between 0 and 1 indicating the Tone Analyzer's confidence that the tone selected accurately describes the sentence
  • Properties
  • Common
  • Credentials
  • Input
  • Misc
  • Output

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