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Marketplace User Guide

Last updated Jan 20, 2025

Find Place

The Find Place activity takes a text input and returns a place. The text input can be any kind of Places data, for example, a name, address, or phone number.



  • Fields - The fields specifying the types of place data to return, separated by a comma.

    Data Type: System.String

Fields correspond to Place Search results, and are divided into three billing categories:

The Basic category includes the following fields: formatted_address, geometry, icon, name, permanently_closed, photos, place_id, plus_code, types

The Contact category includes the following field: opening_hours (Place Search returns only open_now; use a Place Details request to get the full opening_hours results).

The Atmosphere category includes the following fields: price_level, rating, user_ratings_total

Example: "formatted_address,geometry,icon,name,permanently_closed,photos,place_id" (no spaces allowed after comma)

  • Input: The text input specifying which place to search for (for example, a name, address, or phone number).).

    Data Type: System.String

Example: "Prestige Trade Tower"

  • Input Type: The type of input. This can be one of either textquery or phonenumber.

    Data Type: System.String

Example: It’s a dropdown, you can either select textquery or phonenumber

  • Language: The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possible. See the list of supported languages and their codes.

    Data Type: System.String

Example: “zh” for Chinese

  • Location Bias: Prefer results in a specified area, by specifying either a radius plus lat/lng, or two lat/lng pairs representing the points of a rectangle. If this parameter is not specified, the API uses IP address biasing by default.

    IP bias: Instructs the API to use IP address biasing. Pass the string ipbias (this option has no additional parameters). • Point: A single lat/lng coordinate. Use the following format: point:lat,lng. • Circular: A string specifying radius in meters, plus lat/lng in decimal degrees. Use the following format: circle:radius@lat,lng. • Rectangular: A string specifying two lat/lng pairs in decimal degrees, representing the south/west and north/east points of a rectangle. Use the following format: rectangle:south,west|north,east. Note that east/west values are wrapped to the range -180, 180, and north/south values are clamped to the range -90, 90.

    Data Type: System.String

Example: “circle:2000@47.6918452,-122.2226413”


  • JSON: The output in the form of a JSON string. Data TypeData Type: System.String

    Places: The list of matched places. Data TypeData Type: UiPathTeam.GoogleMaps.Model.FindPlace.FindPlaceResponse


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.


  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.

    For More info follow the link.

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