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Classic Integrations Activities

Last updated Mar 10, 2025



The following are links to step-by-step instructions on how to use the Amazon Textract activities. These guides help you create a working sample of the different activities so that you can verify the connection to your AWS resources and get familiar with the input/output datatypes.



After completing the steps in this guide, you'll have an automation sequence that does the following:

  1. Establishes a connection to your AWS resources (Amazon Scope).
  2. Analyzes a single JPEG or PNG file (Analyze Single Page Document).
  3. Outputs the results of the analysis depending on the type of data found (If).
If the file includes form data (FormField[]), the PageDetail.FormFields.Items().Key and PageDetail.FormFields.Items().Value values are written to the output window (For Each and Write Line).
If the file includes table data (DataTable), the PageDetail.Tables values are written to the output window (Output Data Table and Write Line).

After completing the steps in this guide, you'll have an automation sequence that does the following:

  1. Establishes a connection to your AWS resources (Amazon Scope).
  2. Starts an Amazon Textract analysis job (Start Document Analysis).
  3. Retrieves and outputs the status of the started analysis job (Do While, Get Document Analysis Status, Write Line, and Delay).
  4. Retrieves and outputs the results of the analysis if/when the analysis job is successful (If, Get Document Analysis, For Each, and Write Line).

Quickstart - Analyze Single Page Documents


The purpose of this guide is to help you create a working sample that uses the Amazon Textract Analyze Single Page Document activity.

This working sample enables you to quickly verify the connection to your AWS resources and get familiar with the activity's input/output datatypes.

After completing the steps in this guide, you'll have an automation sequence that does the following:

  1. Establishes a connection to your AWS resources (Amazon Scope).
  2. Analyzes a single JPEG or PNG file (Analyze Single Page Document).
  3. Outputs the results of the analysis depending on the type of data found (If).

    • If the file includes form data (FormFields), the PageDetail.FormFields.Items().Name and PageDetail.FormFields.Items().Value values are written to the output window (For Each and Write Line).
    • If the file includes table data (DataTable), the PageDetail.Tables values are written to the output window (Output Data Table and Write Line).


Before you begin:

  1. Complete the Amazon Textract Setup steps.
  2. Make a JPEG or PNG file available by uploading it to an S3 bucket or saving it locally.


Build Your Project

  1. Add the Amazon Scope activity to your project.
  2. Enter the Id,Secret, and Region for the IAM user that you want to use for the Amazon Textract activities.

  3. Add the Analyze Single Page Document activity inside the Amazon Scope activity.
  4. Enter the DocumentPath to, or the Bucket and DocumentName of, the JPEG or PNG fle that you want to analyze.
  5. Create and enter a PageDetail variable for your Page value (e.g., pageDetail).
    • When creating your variable, select UiPath.Amazon.Textract.Client.Models.PageDetail as the variable type.
  6. Add an If activity after the Analyze Single Page Document activity.
  7. In the Condition property, enter the PageDetail variable you created in the step above and .HasFormData.ToString.Equals("True") to determine if the file contains FormField objects (e.g., pageDetail.HasFormData.ToString.Equals("True"))
  8. In the Then statement box, add a For Each activity.

    1. In the TypeArgument property, select _UiPath.Amazon.Textract.Client.Models.FormFields
    2. In the Values property, enter the FormFields.Items property of the variable you created for the Get Messages activity (e.g., pageDetail.FormFields.Items).
    3. In the For Each activity, add a Write Line activity.

      1. In the Text property, enter item.Name+" | "+item.Value+" | "+item.Confidence to output the form data's KeyValuePair values.
    4. In the Else statement box, add a Write Line activity.
    5. In the Text property, enter "No form data found."
  9. Add another If activity after the first If activity.,
  10. In the Condition property, enter the PageDetail variable you created in the step above and .HasTableData.ToString.Equals("True") to determine if the file contains DataTable objects (e.g., pageDetail.HasTableData.ToString.Equals("True"))
  11. In the Then statement box, add an Output Data Table activity.

    1. In the DataTable property, enter the PageDetail variable you created for the Analyze Single Page Document activity and .Tables(0) to specify the 'DataTable` object in the file (e.g., pageDetail.Tables(0))
    2. For the Text property, create and enter a String variable for the DataTable content (e.g. dataTable).
    3. Add a Write Line activity after the Output Data Table activity.

      1. In the Text property, enter the String variable you created in the step above to output the DataTable content.
    4. In the Else statement box, add a Write Line activity.
    5. In the Text property, enter "No table data found."
  12. Click Run and verify the Output window includes the expected form data and table data.

You're done!

When you're ready, try the other Quickstart guides to get more familiar with the different Amazon Textract activities.

To learn more about the Amazon Textact activities (including example property inputs/outputs), see the Activities page for a complete activity list and links to the activity detail pages.

Quickstart - Start and Get Analysis


The purpose of this guide is to help you create a working sample that uses the Amazon Textract Start Document Analysis, Get Document Analysis Status, and Get Document Analysis activities.

This working sample enables you to quickly verify the connection to your AWS resources and get familiar with the activity's input/output datatypes.

After completing the steps in this guide, you'll have an automation sequence that does the following:

  1. Establishes a connection to your AWS resources (Amazon Scope).
  2. Starts an Amazon Textract analysis job (Start Document Analysis).
  3. Retrieves and outputs the status of the started analysis job (Do While, Get Document Analysis Status, Write Line, and Delay).
  4. Retrieves and outputs the results of the analysis if/when the analysis job is successful (If, Get Document Analysis, For Each, For Each and Write Line).


Before you begin:

  1. Complete the Amazon Textract Setup steps.
  2. Make a JPEG or PNG file available by uploading it to an S3 bucket or saving it locally.


Build Your Project

  1. Add the Amazon Scope activity to your project.
  2. Enter the Id,Secret, and Region for the IAM user that you want to use for the Amazon Textract activities.

  3. Add the Start Document Analysis activity inside the Amazon Scope activity.
  4. Enter the Bucket and DocumentName of, the JPEG or PNG fle that you want to analyze.
  5. Create and enter a String variable for the JobId value (e.g., jobId).
  6. Add a Do While activity after the Start Document Analysis activity.
  7. Inside the Do While activity, add the Get Document Analysis Status activity.
  8. In the Job Id property, enter the String variable you created for the JobId above (e.g., jobId).
  9. Create and enter a String variable for the JobStatus value (e.g., jobStatus).
  10. In the Condition property of the Do While activity, enter the JobStatus variable along with a condition value (e.g., jobStatus = "IN_PROGRESS")

    • For a list of the possible job status values, see the JobStatus property section of the Get Document Analysis Status details page.
  11. Add a Write Line activity after the Get Document Analysis Status activity.
  12. In the Text property, enter the String variable you created for the JobStatus value above (e.g., jobStatus).
  13. Add a Delay activity after the Write Line activity.
  14. In the Duration property, enter the estimated amount of time it will take to process your document. In our example, we enter 00:00:20 to demonstrate the Job Status output value changes (for non-demo scenarios, we enter 00:00:55 for a single form document).

    Note: In the scenario outlined above, your Robot retrieves and outputs the status of the analysis job every 20 seconds while the status equals IN_PROGRESS. This condition enables the Robot to retrieve and output the status until it changes.
  15. Add an If activity after the Do While activity.
  16. In the Condition property, enter the JobStatus variable along with a condition value (e.g., jobStatus = "SUCCEEDED" or jobStatus="PARTIAL_SUCCESS")
  17. In the Then statement box, add the Get Document Analysis activity.

    1. In the Job Id property, enter the String variable you created for the JobId property in the Start Document Analysis activity. (e.g., jobId).
    2. Create and enter a PageDetail[] variable for your Pages value (e.g., pageDetails).
    • When creating your variable, select UiPath.Amazon.Textract.Client.Models.PageDetail[] as the variable type.
  18. For our example below, we will only evaluate the first document in the PageDetail[] array of the Pages property.
    1. Create and enter a PageDetail variable to store the first item in the array, and use a Assign activity after the Get Document Analysis activity (e.g., pageDetail).
    2. Assign the PageDetail(0) as the value to the variable you just created (pageDetail)
  19. Add a For Each activity after the Assign activity.

    1. In the TypeArgument property, select UiPath.Amazon.Textract.Client.Models.FormFields
    2. In the Values property, enter the FormFields.Items property of the variable you created for the Assign activity (e.g., pageDetail.FormFields.Items).
    3. In the For Each activity, add a Write Line activity.

      1. In the Text property, enter item.Name+" | "+item.Value+" | "+item.Confidence to output the form values.
    4. In the Else statement box, add a Write Line activity.
    5. In the Text property, enter a message for a failed job (e.g., _"Job failed, try again.")
  20. Run the sequence and verify the Output window includes the job status and expected form data values.

You're done!

When you're ready, try the other Quickstart guides to get more familiar with the different Amazon Textract activities.

To learn more about the Amazon Textact activities (including example property inputs/outputs), see the Activities page for a complete activity list and links to the activity detail pages.

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