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Marketplace User Guide

Last updated Jan 20, 2025


Who offers support for the listings?

  • Supported by Publisher - This option is available only for company listings. This section captures the communication channels and SLA details for the support offered.

    • Website – applicable only if the companies own a ticketing platform (eg. Contact Us tickets)
    • SLAs – eg. Mon-Fri 8 AM to 6 PM CET; Response time: 2 days; Resolution time: 10 days.
      Note: If you are offering paid listings, please align your support terms with the Marketplace Partner Agreement.
  • Community support - This option is available for listings published by any Marketplace Partner type. The support is provided on a best-effort basis. When clicking the Community Support button, you are redirected to the Forum Marketplace Support page. Post the issue here. Each time a reply is added to the post, you will receive a Forum notification.
  • Support on Demand – This option is enabled by UiPath for a selected set of Marketplace listings and is available only to UiPath Enterprise customers. To understand better how Support on Demand works, please check out the following documentation article.

What license types are used?

The following license types can be used for a free listing:

  • 3-Clause BSD
  • MIT
  • Apache 2.0
  • Custom License: A customized license type that outlines the user/company’s own terms and conditions.
    Note: For paid listings, a Custom License is recommended instead of an Open-Source one. Please refer to the Marketplace Partner Agreement for more details on licensing. If you don’t have a Custom License, we can provide you with a standard one. Please see it here.

Will I need to pay any fees to download listings?

  • There are no fees requested when downloading a free listing.

    However, you should be aware that some of the content published on the Marketplace can have 3rd party dependencies which may require the acquisition of licenses.


    The free version of UiPath Studio can only be used under the following conditions:

    • If you are an individual (natural person) customer, you may use the Studio on one machine.

    UiPath Orchestrator will only be used for evaluation and training purposes.

    • If you are a legal entity, you may use the Studio on up to 5 machines across all your affiliated companies. Orchestrator will only be used for evaluation and training purposes.
    • Anything outside of the above conditions is considered Enterprise usage and requires the acquisition of dedicated licenses.

    You can start a free trial of our software ​here​.


    You need to purchase a subscription from a vendor to use a paid listing.

    For more details, please go to the Marketplace Customers FAQ.

Can I remove a listing from the Marketplace?

You may submit a request to the UiPath Marketplace team for your listing to be removed, providing your reasoning for the request. We will review your request and return with a response within 5 business days. If you change your mind, let us know prior to the expiration of the 5 business days period.


This applies only to free listings.

Please refer to the Marketplace Vendors FAQs for more information on paid listings.

Can the Marketplace team remove listings from the platform?

Our biggest aim is to ensure that Marketplace users receive relevant high-quality content for their needs. That’s why we perform a content review on a regular basis. If a certain listing is found outdated or duplicates existent functionalities, its author gets informed to expand the current offering. If no further action is taken by the author, the listing gets removed from Marketplace.


This applies only to free listings.

Please refer to the Marketplace Vendors FAQs for more information on paid listings.

Why should I leave a review of the listing I use?

When reviewing listings, you are helping other Marketplace users decide if that listing is the one that best suits their needs. Also, the author can improve it based on your suggestions and, last but not least, you will be helping yourself as, through this simple act, you can improve the quality of future listings within the Marketplace. For advice on how to write a review check out this flyer.

Note: When leaving a comment or a review on a Marketplace listing, please make sure to check the Rules for Reviews and Comments section in the Marketplace Agreement.

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