Process Mining
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Process Mining
Last updated 25 juin 2024

Mai 2024

28 mai 2024


Éditeur de tableau de bord

You can now edit and remove dashboards and sections from the selected entry in the left menu. See the illustration below.

Dashboard charts

We enhanced labels and binning in line charts, which improves readability and understandability of the data displayed in the chart.

The time ("at 00:00") is no longer displayed in the labels for line charts, KPI line charts and, the timeframe filter, when all the time values in the chart are exactly "00:00".

Process-specific terminology for process apps

Instead of “Cases” you will now see the name of the case object, for example “Purchase order items”, in Conformance checking, Process filters, Root Cause Analysis, and other relevant places.

Astuce :
If desired, you can edit the name of the primary Cases table in Data Manager to adapt it to your business needs.

16 mai 2024


Journal des événements et modèles d'application de processus personnalisé

Additional fields in your input tables will now be added automatically to your Process Mining app. No SQL changes are needed for this anymore.

Remarque :

Les nouvelles applications créées avec le dernier journal des événements ou le dernier modèle d'application de processus personnalisé auront ce comportement.

  • 28 mai 2024
  • Améliorations
  • 16 mai 2024
  • Améliorations

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