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Automation Suite on Linux Installation Guide

Last updated Jan 8, 2025

Updating the registry credentials

To update the registry credentials, take the following steps:
  1. Update the registry credentials section in the cluster_config.json configuration file:
    "registries": { 
        "docker": { 
          "url": "yourContainerRegistryUrl", 
          "username": "username", 
          "password": "newpassword" ,
          "pull_secret_value": "new_pull_secret_value"
        "helm": { 
          "url": "yourContainerRegistryUrl", 
          "username": "username", 
          "password": "newpassword" 
      }"registries": { 
        "docker": { 
          "url": "yourContainerRegistryUrl", 
          "username": "username", 
          "password": "newpassword" ,
          "pull_secret_value": "new_pull_secret_value"
        "helm": { 
          "url": "yourContainerRegistryUrl", 
          "username": "username", 
          "password": "newpassword" 
  2. Re-run the Automation Suite infrastructure installation as follows:
    1. Re-install the infrastructure on the first server machine. For details, see Step 2: Installing the infrastructure on the first server machine.

    2. Re-install the infrastructure on the other server machines. For details, see Step 3: Installing the infrastructure on the other server machines.

    3. Re-install the infrastructure on the agent nodes. For details, see Step 4: Installing the infrastructure on all the agent machines.

  3. Depending on the node type, restart the rke2-server or rke2-agent services on all nodes, by running the following commands:
    • On server nodes, to restart the rke2-server service, run the following command:
      systemctl restart rke2-serversystemctl restart rke2-server
    • On agent nodes, to restart the rke2-agent service, run the following command:
      systemctl restart rke2-agentsystemctl restart rke2-agent
  4. Delete the existing uipathpullsecret secret in all namespaces, by running the following commands:
    kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces | grep uipathpullsecret | awk '{print $1 " " $2}' | while read namespace secret; do 
    kubectl delete secret "$secret" -n "$namespace" ;
    done ;kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces | grep uipathpullsecret | awk '{print $1 " " $2}' | while read namespace secret; do 
    kubectl delete secret "$secret" -n "$namespace" ;
    done ;
  5. Re-run the fabric and services installation. For details, see Step 5: Completing the installation.

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