Automation Suite
Automation Suite on Linux Installation Guide
Last updated Jul 24, 2024

Orchestrator appSettings

What Orchestrator settings are available?

Standalone Orchestrator settings are stored in the UiPath.Ochestrator.dll.config file. For a complete list of standalone Orchestrator settings, see UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config.

Note that some of these settings are not available in Automation Suite for one of the following reasons:

  • The related feature is no longer supported (e.g. DefaultFolderIsClassic);
  • The setting is managed at cluster level, and modifying it could disrupt the integration of Orchestrator with other services (e.g. LoadBalancer.UseRedis);
  • There is another way to change that setting, such as via ArgoCD parameters.

What Orchestrator settings I must not change?

The following table lists the parameters that were initially available in UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file but that you cannot or must not change in Automation Suite:


Settings you must not change

Alternative configuration


  • Storage.Type
  • Storage.Location
We strongly recommend using the cluster-level storage configuration. This allows Orchestrator to be automatically configured. For more advanced storage configuration, see Overriding cluster-level storage configuration.

Credential stores

  • Plugins.SecureStores.Path
Changing Plugins.SecureStores.Path can break the custom credential store plugins. To configure credential stores plugins, see Configuring credential stores.
  • Plugins.SecureStores.CyberArk.CLIPasswordSDKExePath
  • Plugins.SecureStores.CyberArk.UsePowerShellCLI
Encryption key
  • EncryptionKey
To migrate EncryptionKey from an existing Orchestrator, see Migrating Orchestrator.

Robot logs

  • Logs.RobotLogs.ReadTarget
To configure robot logs, see Saving robot logs to elasticsearch.

Azure key vault

  • Azure.KeyVault.ClientId
  • Azure.KeyVault.CertificateThumbprint
  • Azure.KeyVault.VaultAddres
  • Azure.KeyVault.DirectoryId
To configure EncryptionKeyPerTenant.Enabled and EncryptionKeyPerTenant.KeyProvider, see Configuring encryption key per tenant.

Identity Server

  • IdentityServer.Integration.Enabled
  • IdentityServer.CloudIntegration.Enabled
  • IdentityServer.Integration.Authority
  • IdentityServer.Integration.ClientId
  • IdentityServer.Integration.ClientSecret
  • IdentityServer.Integration.UserOrchestratorApiAudience
  • IdentityServer.S2SIntegration.Enabled
  • IdentityServer.Integration.S2SOrchestratorApiAudience



  • ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.Enabled
  • ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.Authority
  • ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.ClientId
  • ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.ClientSecret
  • ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.RedirectUri
  • ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.PostLogoutRedirectUri
  • WindowsAuth.Enabled
  • WindowsAuth.Domain
  • WindowsAuth.GroupMembershipCacheExpireHours
  • WindowsAuth.ConvertUsersAtLogin
  • Auth.Bearer.Basic.Expire
  • Auth.DisabledPermissions
  • Auth.RememberMe.Enabled
  • Auth.AllowChangePassword
  • Auth.AllowSelfEmailUpdate
  • ActiveDirectory.SearchInputMinimumLength
  • ActiveDirectory.SearchResultsSizeLimit
  • ActiveDirectory.SearchResultsTimeLimitSeconds

Load balancer

  • LoadBalancer.UseRedis
  • LoadBalancer.Redis.ConnectionString


  • MultiTenancy.TenantResolvers.HttpGlobalIdHeaderEnabled
  • SystemJobs.LicenseExpirationAlert.DaysBefore
  • autogenerateStatistics
  • PasswordComplexity
  • DefaultFolderIsClassic
  • Tasks.ModuleEnabled
  • Telemetry.Enabled

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