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Automation Suite on Linux Installation Guide
Last updated Apr 19, 2024

Service upgrade fails for Apps


The service upgrade might fail for Apps with the following logs:

Error: [failed to wait for application argocd/ba: timed out waiting for the condition, error waiting for components [] to be synced affecting their dependencies: [failed to wait for application argocd/ba: timed out waiting for the condition]]Error: [failed to wait for application argocd/ba: timed out waiting for the condition, error waiting for components [] to be synced affecting their dependencies: [failed to wait for application argocd/ba: timed out waiting for the condition]]

This issue happens when ArgoCD cannot invalidate the cache, causing MongoDB to remain in scaled-down state.


To fix this issue, you must take the following steps:

  1. Scale up MongoDB:

    kubectl scale deploy -n mongodb mongodb-kubernetes-operator --replicas=1
      kubectl rollout status deploy -n mongodb mongodb-kubernetes-operator
      kubectl rollout status sts -n mongodb mongodb-replica-set kubectl scale deploy -n mongodb mongodb-kubernetes-operator --replicas=1
      kubectl rollout status deploy -n mongodb mongodb-kubernetes-operator
      kubectl rollout status sts -n mongodb mongodb-replica-set
  2. Check if MongoDB pods are up and healthy:

    kubectl get pods -n mongodb -l app=mongodb-replica-set-svckubectl get pods -n mongodb -l app=mongodb-replica-set-svc
  3. Once MongoDB pods are up and running, you can re-run the service upgrade.

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