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Automation Suite on Linux Installation Guide

Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Step 3: Post-deployment steps

This page provides instructions on the operations you can perform after deploying Automation Suite to AWS.

Validating the installation

  1. Under CloudFormation > Stacks, you can find all of your deployments.
  2. Click on the stack you deployed, a status of CREATE_COMPLETE indicates the deployment has completed successfully.

Updating certificates

The installation process generates self-signed certificates on your behalf. By default, these certificates are compliant with FIPS 140-2 and expire after 1825 days, but you can choose any of the following expiry periods at the time of deployment: 90, 365, 730, 1825, or 3650 days.

You must replace the self-signed certificates with certificates signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) as soon as the installation completes. If you do not update the certificates, the installation will stop working after the certificate expiry date.

If you installed Automation Suite on a FIPS 140-2-enabled host and want to update the certificates, make sure they are compatible with FIPS 140-2.

For instructions, see Managing certificates.

Enabling FIPS 140-2

After completing an Automation Suite installation using the AWS deployment template, you can enable FIPS 140-2 on your machines. For instructions, see Security and compliance.

Accessing the installer package

In AWS deployments, the installer package containing all the scripts for post-deployment operations is decompressed in the /root/installer directory.

Accessing the deployment outputs

  1. From the Stack you selected, click the Output tab on the top. On this tab, you should have access to all the information you need for next steps.
  2. For any of the credentials, you can access them via the secrets link provided in the table. Click on the link and go to Retrieve Secret Value for the credentials.






    You can use the ArgoCD console to manage installed products.

    ArgoCD Secret

    < See link in console >

    Credentials for ArgoCD

    Automation Suite Secret

    < See link in console >

    Credentials for Automation Suite Portal

    Cluster Administration URL


    Portal centralizes the resources required to complete an Automation Suite installation and perform common post-installation operations.

    Automation Suite URL


    Automation Suite Portal

    Host Administration Portal


    The host portal is for system administrators to configure the Automation Suite instance. The settings that you configure from this portal are inherited by all your organizations, and some can be overwritten at the organization level.

    Host Administration Secret

    < See link in console >

    Credentials for Host Administration

    Interface Tour

    The general-use Automation Suite user interface serves as a portal for both organization administrators and organization users. It is a common organization-level resource from where everyone can access all the Automation Suite areas: administration pages, platform-level pages, service-specific pages, and user-specific pages.



    Automation Suite uses Rancher to provide cluster management tools out of the box. This helps you manage the cluster and access monitoring and troubleshooting.

    Dashboard (Grafana) Monitoring


    https://monitoring.${CONFIG_CLUSTER_FQDN}/dashboardThe URL to dashboard (Grafana) monitoring tools
    Metrics (Prometheus) Monitoring


    https://monitoring.${CONFIG_CLUSTER_FQDN}/metricsThe URL to metrics (Prometheus) monitoring tools.
    Alertmanager Monitoring


    https://monitoring.${CONFIG_CLUSTER_FQDN}/alertmanagerThe URL to Alertmanager monitoring tools.

Accessing the Cluster Administration portal

The Cluster Administration portal is a centralized location where you can find all the resources required to complete an Automation Suite installation and perform common post-installation operations. For details, see Getting started with the Cluster Administration portal.

To access the Cluster Administration portal, take the following step:

Go to the following URL: https://${CONFIG_CLUSTER_FQDN}/uipath-management.
Note: You do not need any credentials to access the Cluster Administration portal.

Accessing the Automation Suite portal

The general-use Automation Suite user interface serves as a portal for both organization administrators and organization users. It is a common organization-level resource from where everyone can access all Automation Suite areas: administration pages, platform-level pages, service-specific pages, and user-specific pages.

To access Automation Suite, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the following URL: https://{CONFIG_CLUSTER_FQDN}.
  2. Switch to the Default organization.
  3. The username is orgadmin.
  4. Retrieve the password by clicking the secrets link provided in the output table for AutomationSuiteSecret. Go to Retrieve Secret Value for the credentials.

Accessing host administration

The host portal is where system administrators configure the Automation Suite instance. The settings configured from this portal are inherited by all your organizations, and some can be overwritten at the organization level.

To access host administration, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the following URL: https://{CONFIG_CLUSTER_FQDN}.
  2. Switch to the Host organization.
  3. The username is admin.
  4. Retrieve the password by clicking the secrets link provided in the output table for HostAdministrationSecret. Go to Retrieve Secret Value for the credentials.

Accessing ArgoCD

You can use the ArgoCD console to manage installed products.

To access ArgoCD, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the following URL: https://alm.${CONFIG_CLUSTER_FQDN}.
  2. The username is admin if you want to use the ArgoCD admin account, or argocdro if you want to use the ArgoCD read-only account.
  3. Retrieve the password by clicking to the secrets link provided in the output table for ArgoCdSecret. Go to Retrieve Secret Value for the credentials.

Accessing the monitoring tools

To access the monitoring tools for the first time, log in as an admin with the following default credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: to retrieve the password , run the following command:
    kubectl get secrets/dex-static-credential -n uipath-auth -o "jsonpath={.data['password']}" | base64 -dkubectl get secrets/dex-static-credential -n uipath-auth -o "jsonpath={.data['password']}" | base64 -d

To update the default password used for Dex authentication while accessing the monitoring tools, take the following steps.

  1. Run the following command by replacing newpassword with your new password:
    password=$(echo -n $password | base64)
    kubectl patch secret dex-static-credential -n uipath-auth --type='json' -p="[{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/data/password', 'value': '$password'}]"password="newpassword"
    password=$(echo -n $password | base64)
    kubectl patch secret dex-static-credential -n uipath-auth --type='json' -p="[{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/data/password', 'value': '$password'}]"
  2. Run the following command to update the password:

    ./ -i /opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/cluster_config.json -o ./output.json -f --accept-license-agreement./ -i /opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/cluster_config.json -o ./output.json -f --accept-license-agreement

Accessing cluster VMs

  1. Navigate to EC2 and find your Automation Suite instance(s) depending if you deployed single-node or multi-node.
  2. Find the public IP of the Bastion or instance you want to connect to.

  3. Open a terminal and use SSH to connect to Bastion.
    ssh -i <path_to_private_key> <username>@<bastion_ip>ssh -i <path_to_private_key> <username>@<bastion_ip>
  4. From Bastion, you can access other nodes via SSH using the following command. The username must be the same as the one used to connect to Bastion.
    ssh -i .ssh/private_key <username>@<node_address>ssh -i .ssh/private_key <username>@<node_address>

Performing cluster operations

The templates provide automations for cluster operations leveraging Systems Manager documents.

Using Systems Manager documents

To use the Systems Manager documents, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Systems Manager service.

  2. In the left menu, click Documents.

  3. In the Owned by me tab, click the SSM document you want to run.

  4. Click the Execute automation button.

  5. Fill in the parameters and click the Execute button.



The SSM document creates a new Launch Template version for the server and agent Automatic Scaling Groups with an updated AMI ID.


The document exposes 2 parameters:

  • ImageName (e.g.: RHEL-8.6*_HVM-20*) – If the ImageName parameter is provided and AMI that matches the ImageName will be set on the Automatic Scaling Groups;
  • AmiId (e.g.: ami-032e5b6af8a711f30) – If provided, the AmiId takes precedence over ImageName and is set on the Automatic Scaling Groups.
If you did not use a custom AMI at deployment time, you can leave the parameters empty. In this case, the ImageName stored in Parameter Store is used as default value.



The SSM document registers AI Center to the external Orchestrator provided at deployment time.


The document exposes a single, mandatory, parameter: IdentityToken, which is an installation access token generated by the external Identity service. Since the token has a short availability (approximately 1-2 hours), we recommend generating it just before running the SSM document. For instructions, see Installation key.



Creates a snapshot of the Automation Suite cluster. Does not perform a backup on the SQL server.


This SSM document does not require any parameters.

Execution logs

To check the logs of the file, click the Step ID for the captureOnDemandBackup step.



Lists all snapshot available in the Automation Suite cluster.


This SSM document does not require any parameters.

Execution logs

To check the list of available snapshots, click the Step ID for the getSnapshotList step.



Restores the Automation Suite cluster to a snapshot.


The SSM document exposes the SnapshotName parameter. To get a snapshot, use the GetAllBackups document and check the logs.

Execution logs

To view the execution logs, take the following steps:

  1. See the restore flow by clicking State machines.

  2. Click OnDemandRestoreStateMachine.

  3. Click the name of the running execution.

  4. Click the step for which you want to check the execution logs and look in the output section for the CommandInformation.CommandId and copy it.

  5. Go to the Run Command service.

  6. In Command history, search for the command ID you copied earlier.

  7. Click the instance ID.

  8. In the output section, click CloudWatch Logs to see the full logs.

Completing an upgrade

After performing an Automation Suite cluster upgrade, AWS template deployments require some changes to ensure a new node joins the cluster correctly. To automate the changes, we recommend using the dedicated script. For instructions, see the AWS deployment template docs.

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