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Automation Suite on Linux Installation Guide

Last updated Jan 23, 2025

Configuring NLog

Adding NLog extensions

Orchestrator loads the following extensions by default, so you do not need to include them in the folder or the NLog configuration:

  • NLog.Targets.ElasticSearch

  • UiPath.Orchestrator.Logs.Elasticsearch

  • Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.NLogTarget

  • NLog.Extensions.AzureEventHub

Only Linux-compatible extensions can be used in this setup, so make sure that your chosen NLog extension abides by this rule.

To make the extension available for use, it must uploaded to the cluster storage.

The Orchestrator Configurator Tool can do this via the -n|--nlog-extensions-folder parameter:
./ -n nlogextensions./ -n nlogextensions
If you use an external storage configuration at the cluster level, you must indicate this by including the --use-external-storage parameter.

Advanced NLog configuration

  1. Create the nlog.config.json file containing the standard sections: extensions, targets and rules.
    The extensions section is an array of items that specify the extension assemblies, via assemblyFile, and the path of the assembly.
    If custom nlog plugins were loaded (as described in the Adding NLog extensions section), they will be referenced in the extensions section.
  2. Configure the target and rule in the nlog.config.json file.
  3. Apply the nlog.config.json file using the Orchestrator Configurator Tool:
    ./ -l nlog.custom.config./ -l nlog.custom.config
    Example nlog.config.json file that writes logs to Azure Blob:
    {   "NLog": {
            "extensions": [
                { "assemblyFile": "NLog.Extensions.AzureBlobStorage.dll" }
            "targets": {
                "azureBlob": {
                    "type": "AzureBlobStorage",
                    "connectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=test;AccountKey=key;",
                    "container": "orchestratorlogs",
                    "blobName": "${date:format=yyyy-MM-dd}",
                    "layout": {
                      "type": "JsonLayout",
                      "includeAllProperties": true,
                      "Attributes": [
                        {"name": "ts","layout": "${longdate}"},
                        {"name": "level","layout": "${level:upperCase=true}"},
                        {"name": "logger","layout": "${logger}"},
                        {"name": "message","layout": "${message}"},
                        {"name": "exception","layout": "${onexception:${ui-pretty-exception}}"}
            "rules": { "70_Final": { "writeTo": "stdout,azureBlob" } }
    }{   "NLog": {
            "extensions": [
                { "assemblyFile": "NLog.Extensions.AzureBlobStorage.dll" }
            "targets": {
                "azureBlob": {
                    "type": "AzureBlobStorage",
                    "connectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=test;AccountKey=key;",
                    "container": "orchestratorlogs",
                    "blobName": "${date:format=yyyy-MM-dd}",
                    "layout": {
                      "type": "JsonLayout",
                      "includeAllProperties": true,
                      "Attributes": [
                        {"name": "ts","layout": "${longdate}"},
                        {"name": "level","layout": "${level:upperCase=true}"},
                        {"name": "logger","layout": "${logger}"},
                        {"name": "message","layout": "${message}"},
                        {"name": "exception","layout": "${onexception:${ui-pretty-exception}}"}
            "rules": { "70_Final": { "writeTo": "stdout,azureBlob" } }
    Example nlog.config.json file that writes robot logs to Splunk:
        "Nlog": {
            "extensions": [
                { "assemblyFile": "NLog.Targets.Splunk.dll" },
                { "assembly": "UiPath.Orchestrator.Logs.DatabaseBulk.NLogTarget" }
            "targets": {
                "Splunk": {
                    "type": "BufferingWrapper",
                    "flushTimeout": 5000,
                    "target": {
                        "type": "SplunkHttpEventCollector",
                        "serverUrl": "",
                        "token": "splunk-token",
                        "channel": "",
                        "source": "${logger}",
                        "sourceType": "_json",
                        "index": "uipath",
                        "retriesOnError": "0",
                        "batchSizeBytes": "0",
                        "batchSizeCount": "0",
                        "includeEventProperties": "true",
                        "includePositionalParameters": "true",
                        "includeMdlc": "true",
                        "maxConnectionsPerServer": "10",
                        "ignoreSslErrors": "false",
                        "useProxy": "false",
                        "proxyUrl": "",
                        "proxyUser": "",
                        "proxyPassword": ""
            "rules": {
                "20_Robot_Primary": { "writeTo": "Splunk,database,insightsRobotLogs" }
        "Nlog": {
            "extensions": [
                { "assemblyFile": "NLog.Targets.Splunk.dll" },
                { "assembly": "UiPath.Orchestrator.Logs.DatabaseBulk.NLogTarget" }
            "targets": {
                "Splunk": {
                    "type": "BufferingWrapper",
                    "flushTimeout": 5000,
                    "target": {
                        "type": "SplunkHttpEventCollector",
                        "serverUrl": "",
                        "token": "splunk-token",
                        "channel": "",
                        "source": "${logger}",
                        "sourceType": "_json",
                        "index": "uipath",
                        "retriesOnError": "0",
                        "batchSizeBytes": "0",
                        "batchSizeCount": "0",
                        "includeEventProperties": "true",
                        "includePositionalParameters": "true",
                        "includeMdlc": "true",
                        "maxConnectionsPerServer": "10",
                        "ignoreSslErrors": "false",
                        "useProxy": "false",
                        "proxyUrl": "",
                        "proxyUser": "",
                        "proxyPassword": ""
            "rules": {
                "20_Robot_Primary": { "writeTo": "Splunk,database,insightsRobotLogs" }
  • Adding NLog extensions
  • Advanced NLog configuration

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