Integration Service
Integration Service Benutzerhandbuch
Letzte Aktualisierung 24. Apr. 2024

Amazon Connect-Authentifizierung


To be able to create a connection, you need to have an Amazon Connect account with the following credentials:
  • an Access Key ID.
  • a Secret Access Key to your account.
  • an AWS Region associated with your account.

To create your access key, please refer to the documentation page on Create Access Key.

Add the Amazon Connect connection

To create a connection to your Amazon Connect instance, you need to perform the following steps:
  1. Wählen Sie Integration Service from Automation Cloud aus.
  2. From the Connectors list, select Amazon Connect. You can also use the search bar to narrow down the connector.
  3. Select the Connect to Amazon Connect button.
  4. You are redirected to the login page where you must provide your Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and AWS Region.
  5. Ihre Verbindung wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Voraussetzungen
  • Add the Amazon Connect connection

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