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Classic Integrations Activities

Last updated Mar 10, 2025



To successfully establish a connection and send requests to the NetSuite SOAP operations, the activity uses either Token-Based (preferred) or User Credentials authentication to connect to a new or existing NetSuite integration record.

To give the NetSuite Scope activity the ability to authenticate and enable the other activities to successfully send requests to the NetSuite SOAP operations, you must complete the Prerequisites and following steps:

  1. Enable Show Internal IDs
  2. Create Integration Record
  3. There are two options:
  4. Create User Access Token (Token-Based authentication only)
  5. Get Role ID (User Credential authentication only)
  6. Create Credential Assets


  • NetSuite account

    • Your Account ID is required in the NetSuite Scope activity.
    • You can find your NetSuite account ID at the beginning of the NetSuite URL. For example, if the URL is https://<span></span>/, your account ID is 1234567.
      Note: When using this activities package, it's important that you read and follow the best practices documented in NetSuite's SuiteApp Architectural Fundamentals & Examples (SAFE) guide and the Concurrency governance cheat sheet.


1. Enable Show Internal IDs

Follow the steps in the NetSuite documentation to enable Show Internal IDs preference.

Enabling this preference lets you see the internal IDs for all fields, records, lists, workflow actions, and custom forms in NetSuite. The internal ID of an object is a required input property for most of the NetSuite activities.

2. Create Integration Record

Follow the steps in the NetSuite documentation to create an integration record.

When creating your record, take note of the following authentication details. The NetSuite Scope activity input property requirements differ depending on the authentication method you're using.

Tip: Token-Based Authentication is the preferred authentication method when using this activities package.
  • Token-Based Authentication

    • Consumer Key
    • Consumer Secret

      • Note that this is the only time that you can retrieve these values.

    • User Credentials
    • Application Id

3a. Create User Access Token

If your authentication method is Token-Based, follow the steps in the NetSuite documentation to create User Access Token.

After creating your token, take note of the Token ID and Token Secret that are displayed on the confirmation page.

3a. Get Role ID

If your authentication method is User Credentials, follow the steps in the NetSuite documentation to get Internal IDs associated with Roles.

After locating the role that you're using for connection, take note of the ID that appears in the Internal ID column.

4. Create Credential Assets
The NetSuite Scope activity requires SecureString inputs for the following authentication properties:
  • Standard Authentication (User Credentials)

    • Password
  • Token-Based Authentication

    • ConsumerSecret
    • TokenSecret
To follow NetSuite's security best practices (documented in their SuiteApp Architectural Fundamentals & Examples (SAFE) guide), it is recommended that you use the Assets feature in your Orchestrator Tenant to securely manage your credentials and generate a SecureString for your property values.

To create new Assets for your NetSuite credentials, follow the steps below.

  1. Sign in to the Orchestrator Tenant that you want to use for your project.
  2. In the left-hand navigation, click Assets (this opens the Assets page).
  3. Click the + icon to create a new Asset (this opens the Create Asset window).
  4. Follow the next steps according to your authentication method (Standard Authentication or Token-Based Authentication).

Standard Authentication

Important: Standard Credentials are considered deprecated and will be removed in a future release. They should not be used for any new projects, and existing projects should be updated to use Token Based Authentication.

If you're using Standard Authentication, create one asset:

  1. Enter a Name and select Credential under Type.
  2. In the Username field, enter the Email of the NetSuite user you're authenticating.
  3. In the Password field, enter the Password associated with the NetSuite user.
  4. Click Create.

Token-Based Authentication

If you're using Token-Based Authentication, create two assets:

  1. Enter a Name and select Credential under Type.
  2. In the Username field, enter the ConsumerKey of your NetSuite integration record.
  3. In the Password field, enter the ConsumerSecret of your NetSuite integration record.
  4. Click Create.

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to create another Asset for your ServiceNow TokenId and TokenSecret.

5. Build your project
  1. Create a new automation project.

    1. Open UiPath Studio.
    2. Under New Project, click Process (this opens a New Blank Process window).
    3. Enter a project Name, Location, and Description.
    4. Click Create.

  2. Install the UiPath.NetSuite.Activities package.

    1. In the Design ribbon, click Manage Packages (this opens the Manage Packages window).
    2. Under All Packages, click Go!
    3. In the Search bar, enter NetSuite.
    4. Click, install and accept the license for the UiPath.NetSuite.Activities.

      • For more information about Uipath Studio packages, see Managing Packages in the Studio Guide.

You're done!

Now that you have completed the setup, you can start adding the NetSuite activities to your project.

Next steps

To learn more about the NetSuite activities (including example property inputs/outputs), see the Activities page for a complete activity list and links to the activity detail pages.

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