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Classic Integrations Activities

Last updated Mar 10, 2025


To successfully establish a connection and send requests to the Adobe Sign API, the Adobe Sign Scope activity must complete authentication using the supported OAuth 2.0 authentication.

To give the Adobe Sign Scope activity the ability to authenticate and to enable the other activities to successfully send requests to AdobeSign API, you must complete the following steps:

After establishing a connection, a parent Adobe Sign Scope activity can output a record of the connection in a Adobe Sign Connection object (Adobe Sign Connection) that you can use in subsequent child scope activities.

The following description applies if you opt to use the OAuth Authorization Code option for the (Authentication Type) property of the scope activity.

  1. Create OAuth Application.
  2. Create Credential Assets.
  3. Build your project.


1. Create OAuth Application

The following input properties are required in the Adobe Sign Scope activity:

Follow the Using OAuth to Access Adobe Sign APIs steps create an application and to obtain a (Client ID) and (Client Secret) and use these values instead of authenticating with OAuth.

Note: If you are using an OAuth 2.0 and for the User Application are using the Authorization Code Grant option, then under Additional Settings you will need to add ( as one of the Redirect URIs
Important: If your application is not certified by Adobe Sign, you will need to select "Allow uncertifitied apps" in your configuration. This is located in Account -> Security.
2. Create Credential Assets
The Adobe Sign Scope activity requires SecureString inputs for your Adobe Sign credentials (Password and ClientSecret). To generate the SecureString variables, it's recommended that you create two Credential Assets in your Orchestrator Tenant.
  1. Sign in to the Orchestrator Tenant that you want to use for your project.
  2. In the left-hand navigation, click Assets (this opens the Assets page).
  3. Click the + icon to create a new Asset (this opens the Create Asset window).

  4. Enter a Name and select Credential under Type.
  5. In the Username field, enter the ClientId of your Adobe Sign application registry.
  6. In the Password field, enter the ClientSecret of your Adobe Sign application registry.
  7. Click Create.

3. Build your project
  1. Create a new automation project.
    1. Open UiPath Studio.
    2. Under New Project, click Process (this opens a New Blank Process window).
    3. Enter a project Name, Location, and Description.
    4. Click Create.
  2. Install the UiPath.Adobe.AdobeSign.Activities package.
    1. In the Design ribbon, click Manage Packages (this opens the Manage Packages window).

    2. Under All Packages, click Connect,

  3. In the Search bar, enter AdobeSign.
  4. Click, install and accept the license for the UiPath.Adobe.AdobeSign.Activities.

For more information about Uipath Studio packages, see Managing Packages in the Studio Guide.

You're done!

Now that you have completed the setup, you can start adding the Adobe Sign activities to your project.

To learn more about the Adobe Sign activities (including example property inputs/outputs), see the Activities page for a complete activity list and links to the activity detail pages.

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