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Classic Integrations Activities

Last updated Mar 10, 2025

Release notes


Release date: December 6, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that occurred when adding multiple Invoke SAP BAPI activities in a single Scope activity. The issue appeared when selecting the same object in the Invoke activities, but configuring different output variables.


Release date: 16 October 2024

New features and improvements

Starting with version 3.0.0, the SAP BAPI activity package is compatible with Windows projects. This integration uses the latest SAP NCo .NET Core compatible connector.

Starting with version 3.0.0, installation prerequisites are not required for Studio Windows projects, but remain necessary if you're building a Windows - Legacy workflow.

This package version can be used with UiPath Studio versions 2024.10 and newer.


Release date: 28 September 2023

New features and improvements

The ClosedXML version used by this pack has been upgraded and no longer breaks other activities.

Erratum - added 19 February 2024

For version 2.2.6, you must install the 64-bit version of the SAP NCo connector 3.1, specifically the SAP Connector for Microsoft .NET designed for Windows 64-bit (x64) systems.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the property group existing connection in the SAP BAPI Scope activity.


Release Date: 17 February 2021


  • The UiPath.Telemetry.Client dependency package was updated to version 1.3.4.


Release Date: 10 February 2021


Telemetry has been added to the SAP BAPI activities pack.

The Configure window in the SAP Application Scope activity has been enhanced, and can now manage the Robot connection, as well as copy the parameters from the SAP connection designer to the Robot connection.

Bug Fixes

  • Multiple minor issues regarding error reporting have been fixed.


Release Date: 27 October 2020


This activity pack has now been upgraded and is fully compatible with the C# Studio feature. For more information about C# support, see About Automation Projects.


Release Date: 19 August 2019

New Features and Improvements

The SAP Application Scope activity supports additional parameters that allow the configuration of a connection using a Custom Application Server, or a Group/Server Selection, as well as authentication using User/Password or SSO. Also, all of the RfcConfigParameters are supported in the Advanced parameters and can be specified as a semicolon separated list of name value pairs.

The SAP Connection can now be configured to be stateful or not. The StatefulConnection property in the SAP Application Scope activity can now be set to false for BAPI calls that do not require a stateful connection.

Bug Fixes

  • Several minor fixes have been performed on the SAP BAPI activities pack, improving the overall user experience.


Release Date: 10 June 2019

Bug Fixes

  • Invoking a BAPI with return parameters named differently than RETURN threw an exception.


Release Date: 20 May 2019

New Features and Improvements

SAP BAPI v2.0.0 brings a total re-design of the activities from the previous versions. The SAP BAPI wizard as well as the two previous activities, Open SAP Connection and Close SAP Connection, have been deprecated.

They have now made way for the SAP Application Scope and Invoke SAP BAPI activities, which follow the classic model of centering around a scope activity, which handles the connection to an app.

Note: The Open SAP Connection and Close SAP Connection activities are no longer available for use. However, workflows created with these activities continue to be supported for execution.


Release Date: 3 March 2019

Bug Fixes

  • An exception was thrown when using the Invoke SAP BAPI activity with BAPIs that contained table or structure attributes with DBNull type input parameters.
  • When invoking a BAPI that has no input, output, or in/out parameters other than a RETURN type, an error was thrown.


Release Date: 30 January 2019

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in the wizard-generated workflow that caused DataTable type arguments to have String type columns. DataTable arguments in the generated workflow now have columns with the ABAP data type mapped to the correct C# data type.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented BAPIs that required a commit from being saved.


Release Date: 13 December 2018

New Features and Enhancements

This is the first release of the SAP BAPI activities pack. This package enables RPA Developers to invoke a SAP BAPI using a workflow. The package comes with a SAP BAPI Wizard that enables the user to generate a workflow for a specified BAPI.

This workflow can then be invoked from any automation process by using the Invoke Workflow File activity. The Open SAP Connection and Close SAP Connection activities manage a connection to the SAP Instance. It is unique for each SAP Instance you connect to and, once obtained, it is stored in a IConnectionService proprietary variable, and can be subsequently used throughout your automation projects for connecting to the said SAP Instance.

Known Issues

  • If filtered by using the Search bar, the table in the Arguments section of the SAP BAPI Wizard is not refreshed when navigating to the Generate section and back.

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