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Classic Integrations Activities

Last updated Mar 10, 2025



To connect to Jira using this activity package, you must first create the credentials required by the Jira Scope to authenticate all subsequent calls. The scope currently supports two types of authentication:

  • API Token: An authentication token is generated by Jira for your user. This method supports fully unattended automations.
  • OAuth 2.0: A client ID and secret are generated by Jira and may be used for all users within an organization. This method displays, at runtime, a login screen in which a user may enter their login credentials for Jira or any of its SSO providers. A token is produced and saved locally. This token is short-lived and may have to be refreshed at a later time. For this reason, this method supports attended and some unattended automations.

Please follow the steps below to prepare a set of credentials for your activities.


Option 1: API Token
  1. Follow Atlassian's instructions here to generate an API token.
  2. Add a Jira Scope to your workflow and change the Authentication Type parameter to Api Token.
  3. Fill in the Server URL property with the URL of your organization's Jira instance. For Cloud instances, this is usually in the form of https://<your org>
  4. Lastly, fill in the Api Token property with the token generated in step 1 and the Username property with the email you use to log into the designated Jira instance. The Jira Scope is now ready for use.
Option 2: OAuth 2.0

  1. Under APIS AND FEATURES, select OAuth 2.0 (3LO). Enter in the Callback URL field. This instructs the Jira app to return to the machine running the activities once it has finished authenticating a user.

  2. Under APIS AND FEATURES and select Add to give the app access to Atlassian APIs. Select the Add button under Jira platform REST API.

  3. The Add button will be replaced with one that says Configure. Click this to choose the permissions given to the app. Add read:jira-work, manage:jira-project, manage:jira-configuration, read:jira-user, and write:jira-work.

  4. Navigate back to App Details and copy your Client ID and Secret. These may now be used in a workflow.

  5. Add a Jira Scope to your workflow and change the Authentication Type parameter to OAuth 2.0.
  6. Fill in the Server URL property with the URL of your organization's Jira instance. For Cloud instances, this is usually in the form of https://<your org>
  7. Lastly, fill in the Client ID and Client Secret properties with the values copied in step 5. The Jira Scope is now ready for use.

    To transform the variable type from String to SecureString, in the default parameter for the clientSecret, you can use this command:

    (new System.Net.NetworkCredential("","*YOUR_SECRET*")).SecurePassword

  8. If you follow the above steps in Studio and you receive the RemoteException wrapping System.Net.HttpListenerException: The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help error message when trying to execute the Jira Scope, the solution is to open a cmd.exe as Administrator and run this command:

    netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=

  9. After the first execution of the Jira Scope, you receive an authorization request window in your default browser where you need to specify the Jira site and then click Accept.

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