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Activités de productivité
Last updated 13 sept. 2024

Using Word APIs

To use the Word APIs, apply the following steps:
  1. Téléchargez le package d’activités.
  2. Créez un workflow codé.
  3. Call the word.UseWordDocument method to retrieve the handle of a Word file.
    Note: By default, this method uses the Word options from Project settings for the resulting handle. However, you can change this behavior by overriding the default options if you use a WordUseOptions object as a parameter, and set its properties as needed.
  4. Use the handle to perform actions. With the Word coded automation, you should be able to perform the same operations as with the Word modern activities in a .xaml file.
    Note: The Word activities are implemented in the Coded service as extension methods for handles. To check all the available extension methods, type WordOperations. and then Ctrl + Space.

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