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Activités de productivité
Last updated 13 sept. 2024

Using Presentations APIs

To use the Presentations APIs, apply the following steps:
  1. Téléchargez le package d’activités.
  2. Créez un workflow codé.
  3. Call the powerpoint.UsePowerPointPresentation method to retrieve the handle of a PowerPoint file.
  4. Use the handle to perform actions. With the Presentations coded automation, you should be able to perform the same operations as with the Presentations modern activities in a .xaml file.
    Remarque :
    • The Presentations activities are implemented in the Coded service as extension methods for the handle. To check all the available extension methods, type handle_name. and then Ctrl + Space.
    • ConstClass2 - Contains string representations of different slide format options. For more details, refer to the What is a slide layout? page.
    Important :

    There is a known limitation that the PowerPoint files must be closed when executing a Presentations coded workflow.

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