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Classic Integrations Activities

Last updated Mar 10, 2025



To successfully establish a connection and send requests to the SOAP API, the Workday Scope activity must include your Workday credentials to authenticate.

To give the Workday Scope activity the ability to authenticate and enable the other activities to successfully send requests to the SOAP API, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Find your WWS Endpoint
  2. Create Credential Asset


1. Find your WWS Endpoint

To begin using the activities, you need to find the base endpoint for your Workday Web Service instance. To find this information, follow the Finding your WWS Endpoint steps in the Workday documentation (login required).

For quick reference, below are the steps we followed to create our examples.

  1. Login to your Workday application

    • Note that the user must have access to the “Public Web Services" report (the View Security for Securable Item task can help you identify which groups have access to this report).
  2. Search for “Public Web Services" and click on the report.

  3. Click on the ... next to any Web Service shown in the report (this opens a menu).
  4. Click on the Web Service option (this should open WSDL, if now select View WSDL).

  5. After the WSDL opens, search the file for soapbind:address and copy the location value.
    • Only copy the base URL, ignoring the service information.

2. Create Credential Asset
The Workday Scope activity requires a SecureString input for the Password property. To enter the SecureString variable, it's recommended that you follow the suggestions and steps in the Credential Management section of this guide.
3. Build your project
  1. Create a new automation project.

    1. Open UiPath Studio.
    2. Under New Project, click Process (this opens a New Blank Process window).
    3. Enter a project Name, Location, and Description.
    4. Click Create.
  2. Install the UiPath.Workday.Activities package.

    1. In the Design ribbon, click Manage Packages (this opens the Manage Packages window).
    2. Under All Packages, click Go!
    3. In the Search bar, enter Workday.
    4. Click, install and accept the license for the UiPath.Workday.Activities.

      • For more information about Uipath Studio packages, see Managing Packages in the Studio Guide.

You're done!

Now that you have completed the setup, you can start adding the Workday activities to your project.

Next steps

To learn more about the Workday activities (including example property inputs/outputs), see the Activities page for a complete activity list and links to the activity detail pages.

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