重要 :
このコンテンツの一部は機械翻訳によって処理されており、完全な翻訳を保証するものではありません。 新しいコンテンツの翻訳は、およそ 1 ~ 2 週間で公開されます。
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Apps ユーザー ガイド

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
最終更新日時 2024年12月13日


To do this, you first need to prepare an entity with a Choice Set field.

  1. Open an existing application or create a new one.
  2. Add the entity containing the Choice Set field to your app:
    1. Select Add any, then Entity.
    2. Select your active tenant, then the entity containing the Choice Set field.
    3. [追加] を選択します。
  3. Add two variables to your app, and bind them to your entity and choice set:
    1. Select Add any, then Variable.
    2. Give the variable a name. Under Type, open the dropdown menu, and specify the variable type as the name of the entity you added in step 2.
    3. Add another variable to your app by repeating step 3a, but specify its type as ListSource of ChoiceSet.
  4. Add a Table and Label to your app:
    1. [コントロールを追加] を選択します。
    2. [ ディスプレイ] を選択します。
    3. Drag the Table to an area in your app.
    4. Add a Label to your app by repeating steps 4a and 4b.
  5. Configure the Table:
    1. In the Properties panel, under Columns, select the Delete Column button. Repeat this once to leave only one column in the Table.
    2. Select the Column heading field to open its properties.
    3. Under Name, select Column heading. The Expression editor opens.
    4. Replace "Column heading" with "DisplayName", then select Save.
    5. In the Source field, select Open resources, then Expression editor.
    6. Add "DisplayName", then select Save.
  6. Bind the Table and Label to your entity and Choice Set:
    1. Select the Table.
    2. In the Properties panel, select the Additional resources button adjacent to the Data source field.
    3. Select the Expression editor, then add the following: GetChoiceSet("choice_set"), where choice_set is the name of the choice set you want to use.
    4. Select the Label.
    5. In the Properties panel, select the Text field.
    6. Replace "Label" with the following:


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