Automation Suite
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Guía de instalación de Automation Suite en EKS / AKS
Última actualización 19 de abr. de 2024

uipathctl manifest get


Obtén impresiones en el stdout del manifiesto actual observado en el clúster. El formato siempre es YAML.
El comando será el contexto actual del archivo kubeconfig por defecto. Si el marcador --kubeconfig está establecido, utilizará el archivo kubeconfig especificado por el marcador. Sin otros marcadores, las configuraciones y dependencias de todo el clúster no se incluyen en el resultado.
uipathctl manifest get [flags]uipathctl manifest get [flags]


# Get the current manifest observed in the cluster, without dependencies or cluster wide configurations
        uipathctl manifest get
        # Get the current manifest from the cluster identified by the current context in the kubeconfig file
        uipathctl manifest get --kubeconfig cluster.kubeconfig

        # Get the current manifest, including the cluster wide configurations and the dependencies
        uipathctl manifest get --include-config --include-dependencies
        # Get the current manifest observed in the cluster, without dependencies or cluster wide configurations
        uipathctl manifest get
        # Get the current manifest from the cluster identified by the current context in the kubeconfig file
        uipathctl manifest get --kubeconfig cluster.kubeconfig

        # Get the current manifest, including the cluster wide configurations and the dependencies
        uipathctl manifest get --include-config --include-dependencies


-h, --help                   help for get
      --ignore-errors          ignore errors when getting the manifest
      --include-config         include cluster wide config in the diff
      --include-dependencies   include dependencies in the diff
  -o, --output output          output format. one of [json,yaml] (default yaml)  -h, --help                   help for get
      --ignore-errors          ignore errors when getting the manifest
      --include-config         include cluster wide config in the diff
      --include-dependencies   include dependencies in the diff
  -o, --output output          output format. one of [json,yaml] (default yaml)

Opciones heredadas de los comandos principales

--context string      name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kubeconfig string   kubectl configuration file (default: ~/.kube/config)
      --log-format string   log format. one of [text,json] (default "text")
      --log-level string    set log level. one of [trace,debug,info,error] (default "error")
  -q, --quiet               suppress all output except for errors and warnings
      --timeout duration    timeout of the command (default 1h0m0s)      --context string      name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kubeconfig string   kubectl configuration file (default: ~/.kube/config)
      --log-format string   log format. one of [text,json] (default "text")
      --log-level string    set log level. one of [trace,debug,info,error] (default "error")
  -q, --quiet               suppress all output except for errors and warnings
      --timeout duration    timeout of the command (default 1h0m0s)

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