Orchestrator User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 22, 2024

Managing Folders

Creating Folders

Creating a First-level Folder

  1. From the Folders page, click the New Folder button. The New Folder window appears.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for your folder.
  3. In the Description field, enter a description of the folder.
  4. From the Process package source, select if this folder (and any sub-folders) use the Tenant package feed or if you want to Create a new package feed for this folder. All subfolders inherit the package feed setting from the root parent. Access to the feed is controlled by the folder-scoped Folder Packages permission set.
  5. Click Create. Your folder is created and now appears on the Folders page.

Creating a Subfolder

Note: The maximum hierarchy depth is 7, meaning you can have a maximum number of 6 nested subfolders under a first-level folder. You can create as many sibling folders as you want on a given level.
  1. From the Folders page, select an existing folder from the Manage Folders pane. The Add subfolder button is enabled.
  2. Click the Add subfolder button. The New Subfolder window is displayed.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for your folder.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description of the folder.
  5. Click Create. Your folder is created and now appears on the Folders page under its parent.

Editing Folders

  1. From the Folders page, in the Manage Folders pane, click the folder you want to edit. The folder and its accounts are displayed on the dashboard.
  2. Click the More Actions button and select Edit. The Edit Folder window is displayed.
  3. Edit the name and description as desired.
  4. Click Update to confirm your changes.

Moving Folders

Any processes using the FolderPath feature of activities may be broken when the folder is moved. Ensure processes have the correct folder path at all times.

You are only permitted to move folders to tree structures that use the same package feed as the folder to be moved.

  • A folder that uses the tenant feed can be moved under folders that use the tenant feed. Similarly, it can be converted into a first-level folder that uses the tenant feed.
  • A folder that has its own package feed cannot be moved outside its tree structure.

All hierarchy-altering operations impact machine assignments that are based on inheritance. Use the move folder feature with caution as it can influence account and machine access to your resources.

  1. From the Folders page, in the Manage Folders pane, click on the folder you want to move. The folder and its accounts are displayed on the dashboard.
  2. Click the More Actions button and select Move. The Move Folder window is displayed.
  3. Use the radio buttons to select where to move this folder. The available options are:
    • under an existing Folder - move the selected folder under another folder. Note this cannot be done if the move would exceed the 7-level depth limit or if another folder with that name already exists in that hierarchy.
    • as First Level Folder - changes the selected folder to a root-level folder with the same permission model as before.
  4. Use the Search bar or folder hierarchy to select where to move this folder.
  5. Select Continue. A confirmation window appears displaying user access rights impacted by the change.
  6. Select Confirm to complete the action or Cancel to abort.

Deleting Folders

  1. Select the desired folder from the Manage Folders pane of the Folders page.
  2. Click the More Actions button and select Remove. A confirmation window is displayed, asking you to type the name of the folder. Once you fill in the required field and click Delete, the folder is deleted.
  3. Click No to cancel or Yes to confirm the deletion.

    When a folder is deleted, the following effects occur:

    • All contained entities are deleted.
    • All associated accounts and machines are "detached" (i.e., unassigned) for that folder.
    • Any active triggers are disabled.
    • Any pending jobs are stopped and/or killed and deleted.
    • No webhooks associated with this folder are sent.

    Running jobs in folders whose deletion failed does not work.

  • Creating Folders
  • Creating a First-level Folder
  • Creating a Subfolder
  • Editing Folders
  • Moving Folders
  • Deleting Folders

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