Orchestrator User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 22, 2024

About Monitoring

Orchestrator provides a monitoring solution that gives you real-time metrics to help you keep an eye on the health and state of your system. Be it in regards to Machines, Queues and Queues SLA, or Processes, you can check the state of your system in either the last hour or last day.

Available Objects

There are four entities available in the Monitoring page - Machines,Processes,Queues, and Queues SLA - each concerning the corresponding resource as found in Orchestrator. You can switch between them as follows:

For each component there are two views available, depending on the level of detail you require:

  • General View - displays monitoring information concerning all the resources of the selected type. For example, the Queues component page displays information about all existing queues on an aggregate basis.
  • Individual View - displays monitoring information concerning one specific resource of the selected type. For example, on the Queues page, you can display information pertaining to the performance of one Queue by selecting it from the general view. You can return to the general view by clicking the arrow on the top-left of the page.

Each component comes with specific filters, which enable you to isolate the displayed data as desired:

  • The Interval filter allows you to control the granularity of the displayed data and check the health of your system in either the last day or the last hour.
  • The Include Subfolders filter is displayed on all monitoring pages when a folder is selected, and it allows you to select whether the contents of the selected folder's subfolders are displayed. By default, this is set to No.

Monitoring Permissions

The monitoring functionality is controlled by a general-purpose permission set (Monitoring), per-object permissions (Machines, Queues, Jobs) and filter-pertaining permissions (Folders). In order to give permissions on one component, you need to grant View permissions on Monitoring, and View permissions on the component itself, otherwise the corresponding pages are not displayed at all.


  • View on Monitoring and View on Machines - allows you to see the content of the Monitoring > Machines pages.
  • View on Monitoring and View on Queues - allows you to see the content of the Monitoring > Queues pages.
  • View on Monitoring and View on Jobs - allows you to see the content of the Monitoring > Jobs pages.


  • Edit on Monitoring and View on Queues - allows you to disable errors from the Error Feed widget on the Monitoring > Queues page.
  • Edit on Monitoring and View on Jobs - allows you to disable errors from the Error Feed widget on the Monitoring > Jobs page.
  • View on Folders - allow you to filter the content of the page by existing subfolder(s).

Real-time monitoring

The Real time tab provides continuously updated monitoring information for time frames spanning up to one month.

You can choose between simplified monitoring and enhanced monitoring by toggling the Enhanced monitoring option.

Enhanced monitoring

The enhanced monitoring view leverages the Insights real-time monitoring functionality, providing granular information on process status, machine availability, and queue performance. It is available for the following tabs, with each tab featuring a range of filters:

  • Machines - This displays information on the status of each runtime and machine. For details, see Real-time machines in the Insights documentation.
  • Processes - This displays details on jobs across all statuses. For details, see Real-time processes in the Insights documentation.
  • Queues - This displays details on the status and health of each queue item, as well as queue SLA information. For details, see Real-time queues in the Insights documentation.

Historical monitoring

The Historical tab, powered by the Insights service, provides information that dates back to up to two years. The data it displays is refreshed every 20 minutes.


This is only available if you have the Insights service enabled.

Tab features

Filtering - Each component includes a series of filters that you can combine to reach the desired result. Filter changes only take effect once you click Reload in the top right of the chart.

Downloading - Download the entire dashboard or each tile in the format of your choice.

Scheduling - Schedule the delivery of a report based on the current chart. This can be sent to your email address with the frequency and in the format you select.

Click-to-filter - Click a component in the chart to filter the entire data set based on it.

  • Available Objects
  • Monitoring Permissions
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Enhanced monitoring
  • Historical monitoring
  • Tab features

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