Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Sep 4, 2024

Insights for All

Insight for all is a read-only version of Insights. You have read-only access to all the features Insights (except Real time monitoring tab) has to offer in order to find out how Insight can help you out with your work. You can view the data or insights, but you can't make modifications, add new information or delete existing data. Some specific behaviors to note for Insight for All are:

  • All integration dashboards are available in a read-only fashion.
  • Admins have the Configure ROI and Configure Custom Variables buttons greyed out.
  • When admins add or remove user groups, the system only displays the assignment of either Viewer or Admin roles, while Designer, ROI Editor, and ROI Viewer roles remain greyed out.
  • Admins don't have access to ROI dashboards or Real-time monitoring.
  • When you upgrade from read-only to full Insights, the system copies user/group permissions from the read-only version into the full version of Insights.
  • When you downgrade from the full version of Insights to read-only, the user/groups permissions for the viewer and admin are transferred to the free version of Insights, while all other permissions will be disabled.
Note: Canary tenants belonging to enterprise organizations don't have access to Insights for All.

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