Integration Service
Integration Service 用户指南
上次更新日期 2024年4月24日

Datadog 身份验证


  • 主机
  • API 密钥
  • API application key


Datadog host
  1. Locate the host in the browser URL when accessing your Datadog account:

    docs image
  2. Make sure to add the https://api. prefix once you've copied the subsequent portion from your account URL. In this example, your host would be:
Datadog API and Application keys
  1. Login to your Datadog account.
  2. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner of the screen and select Organization Settings.

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  3. Select API Keys from the left-side panel. Create a new API Key or copy an existing one.

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  4. Next, select Application Keys from the left-side panel and create a new key or copy an existing one.

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  5. Select the Application Key you want to use and make sure it includes the following scope: events_read. For more details on scopes, see the Datadog API Scopes documentation.

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For more details on Datadog API key and Application key, see the official Datadog API documentation.

Add the Datadog connection

  1. 选择 Automation Cloud 中的 Integration Service。
  2. From the Connectors list, select Datadog. You can also use the search bar to find the connector.
  3. 选择“添加连接” 按钮。 您现在已重定向到连接页面。
  4. Enter the required credentials: Host, API key, API application Key.
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  5. 单击“连接”
  6. 已添加您的连接。
  • 检索您的凭据
  • Add the Datadog connection


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