Integration Service
Integration Service 用户指南
上次更新日期 2024年4月24日

Google 文本转语音身份验证


To create a connection to the UiPath Google Text-to-Speech connector, you can choose between two authentication methods: API Key or OAuth 2.0 Authorization code.


  • API 密钥
  • Client ID and Client secret

See the Google Cloud Authentication documentation for more details on choosing the right authentication method for your use case.


API 密钥
  1. Log in to your Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create a new project or select an existing project which you want to use.

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  3. On your project dashboard, navigate to Quick access and select API & Services.

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  4. Select Enable APIs and Services.

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  5. Search for the API you want to enable. In this case, Text-to-Speech. Select it from the list, then click Enable.

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  6. An API Enabled confirmation message will be displayed on the API page.

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    You might be required to add a Billing Account.

  7. Go back to the APIs & Services screen and select Credentials from the left-side panel.

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  8. Select Create Credentials. You can choose from several options: API key, OAuth client ID, or Service account.

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  9. Select API key. A key will be generated shortly.
  10. Copy the API key and use it to create the connection in Integration Service.
    Note: We recommend you do not share the API key. API calls are billed.
OAuth Client ID and Client secret
  1. Follow steps 1-8 from the previous section.
  2. At the Create credentials step, select OAuth client ID.
  3. Configure the application:
    1. Set Application type to Web application.
    2. Give your application a name.

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  4. Next, set the Redirect URI to:, then click Create.

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  5. Once your application is created, copy the Client ID and Client secret or download the JSON file storing the credentials.

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Add the Google Text-to-Speech connection

  1. 选择 Automation Cloud 中的 Integration Service。
  2. From the Connectors list, select Google Text-to-Speech. You can also use the search bar to find the connector.
  3. 选择“添加连接” 按钮。
  4. You are now redirected to the connection page. You can choose between two authentication methods: OAuth 2.0 Authorization code or API Key.

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  5. Select your preferred authentication method and enter the required credentials.
  6. Click Connect
  7. 已添加您的连接。
  • 先决条件
  • 检索您的凭据
  • Add the Google Text-to-Speech connection


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