Studio User Guide
Last updated Jul 15, 2024

ST-USG-032 - Required Tags

Rule ID: ST-USG-032

Scope: Project


The rule verifies if the project is missing any tags that are required by your organization.


Add the required tags. In the Project panel, select to open the Project Settings window, and then select the General tab.

Modifying the Rule

In the Project Settings window, select the Workflow Analyzer tab. Find the rule and select the rule, as in the image below:

In the Required Tags field., add a list of required tags separated by a comma (,).

Reset to Default

By default, the rule does not require any tags. To reset it to default, right-click the rule in the Project Settings window, and then click Reset to default. The Default action is also reset to its default value Error.

  • Description
  • Recommendation
  • Modifying the Rule
  • Reset to Default

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