Studio User Guide
Last updated Oct 22, 2024

ST-NMG-004 - Display Name Duplication

Rule ID: ST-NMG-004

Scope: Workflow


This rule analyzes the display names of activities and determines whether they are repetitive or generic.

The display names of activities should clearly indicate how they are used in the workflow. This makes the project meaningful and avoids any confusion in terms of usage.


Make sure default names of activities are changed into more meaningful names and are not repeated throughout the workflow.

By adding a more descriptive display name, it might become easier to understand what the activity does. For example, if your workflow uses the Click activity for clicking the Save button in an application, then you could name the activity to Click Save Button, giving it a unique and descriptive name.

Modifying the Rule

In the Project Settings window, select the Workflow Analyzer tab. Find and select the rule, as in the image below:

The default Threshold value is 1. This means that if the Workflow Analyzer finds at least two activities with the same display name, then a message is logged in the Error List.
Modify the threshold value to 5 and the rule logs an error message only if the number of activities with the same display name surpasses the threshold, in this case 5.

Reset to Default Values

The default value for ST-NMG-004 threshold is 1.

To reset these values to default right-click a rule in the Project Settings window, and then click Reset to default.

  • Description
  • Recommendation
  • Modifying the Rule
  • Reset to Default Values

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