Automation Hub
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Guia do usuário do Automation Hub
Last updated 26 de jun de 2024

Visibilidade da avaliação

Nesta seção, você pode:

  • Decidir quais tipos de avaliação podem ser usados no fluxo de ideias, usando a opção de avaliação + para adicionar uma nova avaliação na caixa de diálogo e selecionar um tipo de avaliação específico que você deseja incluir no formulário de envio.
  • Excluir uma avaliação desnecessária usando a opção Excluir.
  • Usar a opção Visualizar para ter uma visão geral da aparência da avaliação.
  • Reorganize the lineup of the assessments in the workflow using the six dotted menu to drag the assessments in the desired order. The established order is visible in the submission form and the Automation Profile page. The Overview Assessment can't be reordered and it's always displayed first in the submission form and in the automation profile.
  • Decide which live version can be used for each assessment type in the idea flow. From the drop-down list, you can choose the assessment version that's displayed for the selected assessment type. The versions available to choose from are all versions defined under that assessment type in the customize assessments page.
  • When the admin user changes the version for an assessment in the Live version drop-down list, new ideas submitted on that flow will reflect the new assessment version.
  • When users change the version from the Live version drop-down, the system doesn't perform mass updates. As a result, existing ideas associated with that flow will still display the initial assessment version.
  • Choose the phase(s) where you want the selected assessment version to appear. Use the drop-down list to pick the phases in which each assessment will be visible throughout the idea lifecycle.
  • When the admin user adjusts the phases for displaying an assessment, any new ideas submitted in that flow will now include the assessment in the newly specified phases.
  • As ideias existentes vinculadas a esse fluxo também refletirão as alterações de fase e mostrarão/ocultarão avaliações de acordo com as novas configurações;
  • If you hide a completed assessment during a phase and then show it again, the system keeps the answers to the questions intact. This means that if you've finished an assessment, but for some reason, you need to tuck it away for a while, later on, when you bring it back into view, the answers you gave remain exactly as you left them.

Quando a personalização for concluída, selecione o botão Salvar para salvar suas alterações.

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