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Last updated Oct 15, 2024

Simulating automation potential


The Automation potential dashboard enables you to see potential savings for activities in your process. For example, if you determine an activity as a bottleneck in the process graph, you can calculate the impact of automating the activity. From the Automation potential dashboard you can simulate various What-if scenarios to identify which activities are most costly and how much time or money possibly could be saved when automating one or more activities.

Providing data input using dbt seeds

You can provide input data to be used for the calculations in the Automation potential dashboard using a dbt seed file. The seeds\ folder of the app transformations for app templates contain a Automation_estimates_raw.csv file. For all activities, you can provide the Event_processing_time (in milliseconds) and the Event_cost. See the illustration below for an example.
docs image
If you are using an app template where you provide an event_log as input, you can also specify the event_processing_time as a column in that file. Values specified on event level will take precedence over values specified per activity using the seed file.

Automation potential

The Automation potential charts highlight the simulated activities with the highest simulated automation rate.

Note: If there are no (more) simulated activities, activities with the lowest activity rate are displayed. These activities are selected as the activities that are candidates for automation based on their automation potential.

For each activity, the Automation rate, and the Manual processing time are displayed. See the illustration below.

The Modify simulation button on an activity chart enables you to modify the parameter values for the existing simulation.


If you have not set any simulation parameters for the activity, you can select the Configure simulation button on the activity chart to open the Modify simulation panel where you can change the simulation parameters.


Below is a description of the KPIs that are displayed at the top Automation potential dashboard.



Automation rate

Percentage of events that are automated.

Manual processing time

The total amount of time that is actually spent working on the events.

Manual processing cost

The total costs spent on the events.


The total time that is needed to perform the work for events.

Number of events

The total number of events.

Green and red arrows

The effects of the simulated scenario are indicated by green or red arrows. If the simulation results in an increased automation potential compared to the actual situation, this is indicated with green arrows. If the simulation results in a lower automation potential, this is indicated with red arrows. In the above example, with Withdraw purchase order, the activity actually is 0% automated. The simulation calculated a potential 58.4% automation rate. Since, the difference is a 58.4% increase, a green arrow is displayed indicating a positive outcome. The simulated manual processing time is 14.11 days. Based off a 58.4% automation rate the simulated manual processing time dropped with 19.8 days. Create purchase order is 90.3% automated. The simulation calculated a potential 58.4% automation rate. Since, the difference is a 31.91% decrease, a red arrow is displayed. Based off a 58.4% automation rate the simulated manual processing time increased 5.66 hr to 23.38 hr.

Automation rate

The Automation rate is calculated from the events for which the automated field is set to true.

Manual processing time

The manual processing time is the total amount of time that is actually spent working on the events.

If the event_processing_time is not provided using the Automation_estimates_raw.csv seeds file, the Automation potential simulation calculates the Manual processing time from the event data that is available in your dataset. In this case, the Manual processing time is the cycle time between the Event start and the Event end.
If for at least one event the Event start is not available, the Automation potential simulation will display the throughput time between the Event end and the previous Event end as the Manual processing time.



Cycle time

The time between the Event start and the Event end. The actual time worked on an event.

Throughput time

The time between the Event end and the previous Event end.

All automation opportunities

The All automation opportunities chart displays the activities based on the current Automation rate, which is determined by the percentage of events that are automated. The activities with the lowest automation rate are displayed first. See the illustration below.

Below is a description of the elements.




The name of the activity.

Automation rate

The percentage of events that are automated.

Manual processing time

The total amount of time that is actually spent working on the events.

Manual processing cost

The total costs spent on the events.


Manual processing cost is only displayed if the event_cost field is available in your dataset.


The total time that is needed to perform the work for events.

FTE is calculated by dividing the manual processing time in hours by the number of working hours. The number of working hours is calculated from the number of working days in the selected period * 8 working hours per day.


A toggle button that displays the results of the simulation.

If you have not performed a simulation for the action, the Modify simulation panel is displayed, where you can enter different values to use for calculating the automation potential.

Enables you to open a context menu with the following options:

  • Modify simulation: displays the Modify simulation panel where you can enter different values to use for calculating the automation potential.

Note: In the Automation potential dashboard, the Compare button is disabled. Compare mode is not available when simulating automation potential.

Selecting visible columns

Follow these steps to change the visible columns.

  1. Selectdocs image Columns to display the list of columns.
  2. Select the columns you want to display in the selected All automation opportunities chart.
Note: The Activity, Automation rate, Simulate, and Menu columns cannot be hidden.

See the illustration below.

Displaying the Modify simulation panel

Follow these steps to display the Modify simulation panel.

  1. Select docs image in the menu on the left of the dashboard.
  2. Locate the activity for which you want to perform a simulation.
  3. Select docs image in the Actions column of the activity, and select Modify simulation from the context menu.

The Modify simulation form is displayed to the right.

See the illustration below.

You can also click on the Simulate or Modify simulation button on an activity in the Automation potential chart, to display the Modify simulation panel.

Simulation parameters

This simulation parameters are used to determine how much of the activity can be successfully automated. Below is an overview of the parameters that can be set to perform an automation potential simulation.




Process ways of workingNumber of ways to complete the processThe number of different variations possible in which the process or activity can be completed.
Data input

% of digital input

A percentage value that indicates how much of the input is digital.

Data input

% of structured digital input

A percentage range that indicates how much of the digital input is structured.

If all the input data is structured and digital and if there is only one way to complete the process, then the process is 100% automatable. If the Automation potential is 90%, this indicates that 90% of the activity or process can be automated.

For a detailed description on how these parameters are used to perform an automation potential simulation see the Automation Potential section on the Detailed Assessment Algorithm page.

Performing an Automation potential simulation

Follow these steps to perform an automation potential simulation to calculate the automation potential.

  1. Select the applicable option from the Number of ways to complete the process drop-down list to indicate the number of ways possible to complete the activity.
  2. Enter a percentage value to indicate how much of the input is digital input in the % of digital input field.

    The % of digital input is a mandatory field.

  3. Select a percentage range from the % of structured digital data input drop-down list to indicate how much of the digital input is structured.
  4. Click on Save.

The impact on the automation rate, the manual processing time, and the FTE for the activity is displayed in the Automation potential dashboard. Next to the current Automation rate, the Automation rate calculated from the simulation is displayed, as well as the difference percentage. For the Manual processing time and the FTE the difference between the current value and the simulated value is displayed. See the illustration below.

The automation simulations are saved. When you reopen the Automation potential dashboard, all active simulations are displayed.

Exploring Marketplace recommendations

From the Automation Potential dashboard you can investigate reusable RPA components to accelerate your automation journey. With Marketplace recommendations you can explore possible solution accelerators and custom activities related to your process.

Follow these steps to explore Marketplace recommendations.

  1. In the Automation Potential dashboard, select the icon to open the Actions menu.

  2. Select Explore Marketplace recommendations from the menu.

The Marketplace recommendations panel opens displaying a list of recommended solution accelerators.


By default, Solution accelerators are displayed. You can clear the search bar to see solution accelerators and custom activities. You can also start entering a term to search for a particular solution accelerator or custom activity.

To see all available custom activities and solution accelerators in Marketplace, select See all recommendations. The Marketplace listings are displayed in a new browser tab.

Trying out a solution accelerator or a custom activity

Follow these steps to try out a solution accelerator or a custom activity.

  1. In the Marketplace recommendations panel, locate the solution accelerator or custom activity you want to try out.

  2. Select the Try it option on the card.

Marketplace is opened in a new browser tab displaying the selected solution accelerator or a custom activity. Here you can download the solution accelerator or a custom activity and install it to try it out.

Exploring all available solution accelerators and custom activities

To see all available solution accelerators or custom activities in Marketplace, select See all recommendations in the Marketplace recommendations panel. The Marketplace listings are displayed in a new browser tab.

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