Process Mining
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Process Mining
Last updated Apr 17, 2024

Loading data using DataUploader

With DataUploader you can upload data files up to 5TB each directly into a Process Mining process app. Loading data using DataUploader is more stable than loading data using the Upload data option in Process Mining, also for smaller data files. If the upload using DataUploader fails, for example, due to an unstable connection, DataUploader will retry the upload up to 4 times.


Always make sure that the data is in the required format for the app template used for the process app. See App Templates.

Downloading DataUploader


Below is an overview of the parameters for DataUploader.

ParameterFormatDescriptionMandatory Y/NExample



<csv dir value>

The directory containing the CSV files you want to upload.

This can also be a relative path.


C:\P2P data



<sas url value>

The Shared Access Signature (SAS) URL for the Azure Blob Storage container where the files need to be uploaded. See Retrieving the credentials for the Azure blob storage






URL to the end-of-upload-API that will be called when the files have been successfully uploaded.





<delimiter value>

The ASII code of the delimiter used in the input files.

This must be an ascii value between 0 and 127. Default is 9 (Tab).


44 (= Comma)
9 (= Tab)



<proxy value>

The proxy URL





<proxy username>

The username if authentication is needed to connect to proxy server.





<proxy password>The password if authentication is needed to connect to proxy server.






Look for all files in the given folder including sub-folders.


If files with duplicate names are present in different folders, the behavior can be unpredictable.


By default, only files in the given folder are uploaded and sub-folders are ignored.




<config file value>

Allows you to use a configuration file instead of inline parameters.


Inline parameters override the values in the config file.



 Allows you to display help for a DataUploader command.   

Loading Data using DataUploader

Follow these steps to load data using DataUploader.

  1. Download the DataUploader.

  2. Create a folder and copy the input files the that you want to upload using DataUploader in this folder.

  3. Open a Windows Powershell.

  4. Navigate to the location where you downloaded the DataUploader.

  5. Enter the following command:

    .\process-mining-data-uploader.exe "<csv dir>" "<sas url>" "<end-of-upload api>" ["<delimiter>"].\process-mining-data-uploader.exe "<csv dir>" "<sas url>" "<end-of-upload api>" ["<delimiter>"]
  6. Press Enter.

Below is an example of the command string.

./process-mining-data-uploader.exe "data" "" "" "44"./process-mining-data-uploader.exe "data" "" "" "44"

If the upload fails, for example, due to an unstable connection, DataUploader will retry the upload up to 4 times. If the data upload was not successful after 5 times, a report is created.

Under certain network configurations DataUploader fails to reach the end-of-upload API due to a self signed certificate, and you will get the error such as UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY.

This can be resolved by pointing DataUploader to your organization's Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.

Follow these steps.

  1. Create an environment variable called NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS.

  2. Set the value of the new environment variable to the file path of your CA certificate.

In case some of the files have failed the upload, you can restart DataUploader using the same command and with same files.

  • Downloading DataUploader
  • Parameters
  • Loading Data using DataUploader

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