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Automation Suite on EKS/AKS Installation Guide

Last updated Dec 18, 2024

Installing and configuring the service mesh

Automation Suite requires the Istio service mesh for ingress and networking.

The service mesh installation and configuration is a two-step process. Which of the steps you must perform depends on whether or not you can grant the Automation Suite installer admin privileges over your cluster. For details, see the following table:


Admin privileges

No admin privileges

Step 1: Installing the service mesh

Step not required

Required step

Step 2: Configuring Istio and installing the WASM plugin for routing

Step not required

Required step

Step 1: Installing the service mesh

To install Istio, follow the instructions in the Istio documentation.


Automation Suite does not require applications such as Kiali and Jaeger. However, you can use them at your discretion.

Providing the Istio configuration

To provide the Istio configuration, you must set the following parameters in the input.json file:
"ingress": {
  "gateway_selector": {
    "istio": "ingressgateway"
  "ingress_gateway_secret": "istio-ingressgateway-certs",
  "namespace": "<istio-system>"
},"ingress": {
  "gateway_selector": {
    "istio": "ingressgateway"
  "ingress_gateway_secret": "istio-ingressgateway-certs",
  "namespace": "<istio-system>"
For more information on the Istio configuration parameters, see the following table:



Default value: ingressgateway

If you have changed the value, then use the following command to get the right value:

kubectl -n <istio-system> get deploy istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath="{.metadata.labels.istio}"; echokubectl -n <istio-system> get deploy istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath="{.metadata.labels.istio}"; echo
The name of the secret that contains the certificate files. The default value is istio-ingressgateway-certs.
ingress.namespaceThe namespace where you have installed the service mesh.

Step 2: Configuring Istio and installing the WASM plugin for routing



This step requires admin privileges for installation in the Istio namespace.

There are two ways to perform the installation:
  • Option A: If you cannot provide the permissions that the Automation Suite installer requires, then you must perform this step before the Automation Suite installation.

  • Option B: During the Automation Suite installation. This method requires the Kubeconfig file that you use during the Automation Suite installation to have the necessary permissions. To review the permissions, refer to the Granting installation permissions section. If you can provide all the necessary permissions, then skip this step.

Configuration and installation

To configure Istio and install the WASM plugin for routing, take the following steps:

  1. Create an imagepullsecret in the namespace where you installed the service mesh. To create the imagepullsecret, use your typical workflow or take the following steps:
    registry= <registry_url> #provide the registry where the UiPath images are hosted
    username= <user_name> #provide the username which will be used for the authentication
    password= <password> #provide the password which will be used for the authentication
    namespace= <namespace> #namespace where you want to create a secret
    kubectl create secret docker-registry uipathpullsecret --namespace=${namespace} \
      --docker-server=${registry} --docker-username=${username} \
      --docker-password=${password} --dry-run=client -o yaml \
      | kubectl apply -f -registry= <registry_url> #provide the registry where the UiPath images are hosted
    username= <user_name> #provide the username which will be used for the authentication
    password= <password> #provide the password which will be used for the authentication
    namespace= <namespace> #namespace where you want to create a secret
    kubectl create secret docker-registry uipathpullsecret --namespace=${namespace} \
      --docker-server=${registry} --docker-username=${username} \
      --docker-password=${password} --dry-run=client -o yaml \
      | kubectl apply -f -
  2. Pull the helm chart to a local directory, <uipath-istio-configure>:
    helm pull oci://<docker-registry>/helm/istio-configure --version <istio-configure-version> \
    --untar --untardir <uipath-istio-configure>helm pull oci://<docker-registry>/helm/istio-configure --version <istio-configure-version> \
    --untar --untardir <uipath-istio-configure>
    The following example shows the command after you replace the placeholders with actual values:
    helm pull oci:// --version 2024.10.0 \
    --untar --untardir uipath-istio-configurehelm pull oci:// --version 2024.10.0 \
    --untar --untardir uipath-istio-configure
  3. Create a parameter values file to apply during the Helm installation of istio-configure. Use the following sample as a template for the file and the replace the <fqdn>, <pullsecret>, <registry>, and <uipath_namespace> placeholders with appropriate values.:
    fqdn: <fqdn>    #the FQDN of the Automation Suite
        istio: ingressgateway
        name: <pullsecret>    #name of pull secret which you had create earlier
    minProtocolVersion: TLSV1_2   #TLS versions
      registry: <registry>    #registry url without the protocol 
    uipathServiceNamespace: <uipath_namespace>   #namespace where the uipath application is deployed
    patchIstioService: false
        pullSecret: <pullsecret>    #name of pull secret which you had create earlier
        registry: oci://<registry>   #registry url without the protocolfqdn: <fqdn>    #the FQDN of the Automation Suite
        istio: ingressgateway
        name: <pullsecret>    #name of pull secret which you had create earlier
    minProtocolVersion: TLSV1_2   #TLS versions
      registry: <registry>    #registry url without the protocol 
    uipathServiceNamespace: <uipath_namespace>   #namespace where the uipath application is deployed
    patchIstioService: false
        pullSecret: <pullsecret>    #name of pull secret which you had create earlier
        registry: oci://<registry>   #registry url without the protocol
  4. Install istio-configure in the Istio namespace, using Helm. In the following command, replace the <istio_namespace> placeholder with the namespace where Istio is installed, and the <path_to_the_values_yaml> with the location of the YAML file containing the parameter values:
    helm upgrade --debug --install --wait custom-istio-configure \
      uipath-istio-configure/istio-configure --version 2024.10.0 \
      --namespace <istio_namespace> -f <path_to_the_values.yaml>helm upgrade --debug --install --wait custom-istio-configure \
      uipath-istio-configure/istio-configure --version 2024.10.0 \
      --namespace <istio_namespace> -f <path_to_the_values.yaml>
  5. If you use a registry that is not signed by a known authority, you must add the WASM_INSECURE_REGISTRIES environment variable to the istio-ingressgateway deployment, so that Istio can pull the image that the WASM plugin uses. To add the environment variable, run the following command:
    kubectl -n <istio-system> patch deployment istio-ingressgateway --type json -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env", "value": [{"name": "WASM_INSECURE_REGISTRIES", "value": ""}]}]'kubectl -n <istio-system> patch deployment istio-ingressgateway --type json -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env", "value": [{"name": "WASM_INSECURE_REGISTRIES", "value": ""}]}]'
  6. Add istio-configure to the exclude_components section in your input.json file.
  7. Create certificate secrets using the name provided in ingress.ingress_gateway_secret within the <istio-system> namespace.

When you install Automation Suite in a shared cluster, if you update the FQDN post-installation, one of the following scenarios applies:

  • If you grant the Automation Suite installer admin privileges and you did not add the istio-configure component to the exclude_components list in your input.json file, you do not need to perform any additional step.
  • If you do not grant the Automation Suite installer admin privileges and you added the istio-configure component to the exclude_components list in your input.json file, you must take the following steps:
    1. Update the parameter values file mentioned in Point 3 with the new FQDN.

    2. Repeat all the steps for configuring Istio and installing the WASM plugin for routing.

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