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UI Automation Activities

Last updated Mar 25, 2025

Get Attribute (Generic)



Retrieves the value of a specified attribute of the indicated UI element, returned as a specific string.

This activity must be added inside a Use Application/Browser activity.

To use this activity outside a Use Application/Browseractivity, you need to provide an Input element.

This activity is compatible with Object Repository.

For more information about indicating and configuring targets, see Selection Screen.

Project compatibility

Windows - Legacy | Windows | Cross-platform

Windows - Legacy, Windows configuration

Designer panel
  • Click Indicate in App/Browser to indicate the UI element to use as target.

    After you indicate the target, select the Menu button to access the following options:

    • Indicate target on screen - Indicate the target again.
    • Edit target - Open the selection mode to configure the target.
    • Remove informative screenshot - Remove the screenshot of the target application or web page.
    • Add to Object Repository - Add the current UI element to a library project, from where it can be reused throughout your automation process.
  • Attribute - The name of the attribute you want to retrieve.

    After you indicate the target, you can use the drop-down menu to choose from the list of the attributes you can retrieve. The checked attribute, however, which is used by the Computer Vision AI model to target radio buttons, needs to be added manually.

    To refresh the list of attributes, you can use the refresh button or the Ctrl + R hotkey.

    Note: The preview value of the specified attribute that is shown in the activity is the value identified at design time; the value might change at run time.
  • Save to - Create a variable where the attribute is saved after being retrieved.

Cross-platform configuration

  • Work in scope - Choose the browser tab rendering the web application to automate.
  • Indicate target on screen - Indicate the UI element to use as target.

    After you indicate the target, select the plus button to access the following options:

    • Indicate target on screen - Indicate the target again.
    • Edit target - Open the selection mode to configure the target.
  • Attribute - Choose from the drop-down menu the name of the attribute to be retrieved.
Additional options


  • Delay before - Delay (in seconds) between the time the previous activity is completed and the time this activity begins performing any operations. The default value is 0.2 seconds. Adding a delay between activities ensures that one activity has enough time to complete before the next activity begins.

  • Delay after - Delay (in seconds) between the time this activity is completed and the time the next activity begins any operations. The default value is 0.3 seconds. Adding a delay between activities ensures that one activity has enough time to complete before the next activity begins.

  • Timeout - Specify the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the activity to be executed before throwing an error. The default value is 30 seconds.

  • Continue on error - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.


  • Input element - The UI element on which the activity is executed, stored in an UIElement object. This field supports only UIElement objects. This object can be obtained from the Output Element property field of other UI Automation activities.
  • Output element - Outputs a target UI Element and stores it in a UIElement object, which can be further used to target the same element with other activities.

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