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Process Mining
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated 18 de set de 2024

Gerenciador de automação


O gerenciador de automação permite gerenciar automações conectadas ao Process Mining. Com o gerenciador de automação, você pode selecionar as filas do orquestrador a serem usadas para automações acionadas por usuários de negócios no aplicativo de processo.

Automation manager is integrated in the dashboard editor. Refer toWorking with the dashboard editor for details.


Publish your process app after adding or editing an automation to make the automation available to business users. Refer to Publishing process apps.

Also make sure that business users have the proper access rights in Orchestrator to access the queue. Refer to Default roles for details.

Manually triggered automations and automatically triggered automations

There are two different types of automations that can be triggered from a process app.

  1. Manually triggered automations are initiated by business users from the process app dashboards.

  2. Automatically triggered automations are initiated when predefined conditions, determined by tags, are met during data ingestion for the process app.


Manual triggers can be done from both the development and published app. Automatic triggers are only applied when running ingestions on a published app.

Manually triggered automations

When you select the Manual trigger type for the automation, business users can trigger the automation from the published process app. The Trigger an automation option is available on most dashboards and charts. Check the illustration below for an example.

When the user has selected cases that are candidate for automation ,the Trigger an automation option can be selected to enter the input data for the automation. Check the illustration below for an example.

For every case that is selected, a Queue item is created in the Orchestrator queue that will trigger the automation defined in Studio.

Refer to Triggering an automation from a process app for details on how to trigger an automation from a published process app.

Automatically triggered automations

Automated triggers can trigger automations when specific events occur within the process. This allows for immediate attention to a case for enhanced efficiency and streamlined workflows.

When you select the Automatic trigger type for the automation, the automation is triggered automatically when the trigger conditions have met. The trigger conditions are determined by tags that are evaluated any time data for the process app is ingested. Each case that meets the conditions creates a Queue item in the Orchestrator queue, which initiates the automation defined in Studio.

Opening Automation manager

Selecione o botão Automation Manager no canto superior direito do editor de painel para abrir o Automation Manager. A página Gerenciador de automação é exibida, mostrando as automações definidas para seu aplicativo de processo.

Criação de uma automação

Você pode começar a criar uma automação no Studio diretamente do Automation Manager.
  1. In Process Mining open the process app for which you want to enable automation integration in the Dashboard editor. Refer to Working with the dashboard editor for details.

  2. No Editor de painel, selecione a opção Automation Manager para abrir o Automation Manager.

  3. Select Build automation to open Studio. Refer to Automation manager for details.

Adding an automation

Follow these steps to add an automation for your process app:

  1. In Automation manager, select + Connect automation. The Add queue page is displayed, showing all Orchestrator queues that have Specific data JSON schema. Refer toSetting up Automation integration.

  2. Select the queue you want to use for the automation. The required input fields for the queue are displayed in the Properties panel.

  3. Select the type of trigger for the automation from the Trigger list box.

  4. Mapeie os campos de entrada da fila para os campos de dados apropriados de seu aplicativo de processo.


    Verifique o tipo de dados dos campos de entrada da fila definidos no Esquema JSON dos Dados Específicos e certifique-se de mapear os campos de entrada para um campo de dados do Process Mining com o tipo de entrada correto. Consulte Modelos de aplicativo.

    Instead of mapping to a specific data field, you can select the Busines user input option for a text input field. This enables business users to enter a free text when triggering an automation.
    Note: The Business user input option is only applicable to Manual triggers.
  5. Insira o Número máximo de casos enviados de uma vez para limitar o número de casos que podem ser enviados para o Orchestrator.


    Como analista, é importante considerar limitar o número de casos que um usuário de negócios pode enviar ao Orchestrator com base no caso de uso específico. Por padrão, o sistema permite que 50 casos sejam enviados para a fila, mas o intervalo pode ser ajustado de 1 a 1000, proporcionando flexibilidade para diferentes cenários.

  6. Select the type of the trigger for the automation from the Trigger list box.

    • If you want to configure an Automatic trigger for an automation, add the tags to define the trigger conditions. A case that meets a condition when the filter is evaluated will be sent to Orchestrator.


      Each trigger condition is evaluated separately. For example, Case 001 has tags A and B. When you have set the trigger conditions for both A and B, this case will be sent to Orchestrator twice (one based on condition A, and one based on condition B).

  7. Selecione Salvar.

Editing an automation

Siga estas etapas para editar uma automação.

  1. In Automation manager, locate the automation you want to edit on the list of automations and select Edit settings icon.

  2. Change the settings as desired.

  3. Selecione Salvar.

Refreshing the queue


Se forem feitas alterações na fila do orquestrador , você precisará atualizar a fila no Process Mining. Por exemplo, quando o esquema JSON de dados específicos foi alterado ou quando o nome ou a descrição da fila foi editado no Orchestrator. Para atualizar a fila no Process Mining, edite a automação no Gerenciador de automação.

Siga estas etapas para atualizar a fila de uma automação.

  1. Locate the automation for which you want to refresh the queue and select Edit settings icon.

  2. Select the Refresh button at the top of the properties panel. See the illustration below.

  3. Selecione Salvar.

Removing an automation

Siga estas etapas para remover uma automação.

  1. Locate the automation you want to remove from the automations list and select Excluir ícone.

A automação é removida da lista de automações.

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