EKS/AKS 上的 Automation Suite 安装指南
Last updated 2024年9月20日

安装后配置 FQDN

To update the FQDN of Automation Suite, you must update the input.json file and run the uipathctl installer.

更改 FQDN 需要新的服务器证书。如果新证书可用,您有两个选择:继续使用安装程序自动配置的新自签名证书,或停止安装并引入新的 CA 颁发的证书。

您可以通过 input.json 中的 server_certificate 字段配置证书。

Updating the config file with the new FQDN value

您必须更新 input.json 文件中的以下参数。根据您的要求,可以使用这些值的任意组合。
  • fqdn - 使用访问集群所需的新 FQDN 更新此字段。
  • fixed_rke_address - if this value is identical to the fqdn field in input.json, you must ensure the two values match to reflect the new FQDN.

The following example shows the input.json configuration required to update the FQDN.
  "fqdn": "" //this is the fqdn for accessing the automation suite cluster
  "fixed_rke2_address": ","//this is only required for the node joining, if customer wish to change
  "fqdn": "" //this is the fqdn for accessing the automation suite cluster
  "fixed_rke2_address": ","//this is only required for the node joining, if customer wish to change

运行结构和服务安装程序以更新 FQDN

To update the FQDN for the fabric and services, run the following command:

uipathctl manifest apply -i input.json --versions version.jsonuipathctl manifest apply -i input.json --versions version.json 

安装程序会警告您更新 FQDN 的后果。在继续操作之前,它会要求您确认。

[WARN]  You are about to change the FQDN of the Automation Suite Cluster.
        Changing the fqdn is a disruptive operation, and it will result in 
        disconnecting your robots, mobile orchestrator users, ML Activities, 
        and ML Skills and invalidating any pending user invites. 
        If you wish to continue type 'yes' and hit enter to continue.[WARN]  You are about to change the FQDN of the Automation Suite Cluster.
        Changing the fqdn is a disruptive operation, and it will result in 
        disconnecting your robots, mobile orchestrator users, ML Activities, 
        and ML Skills and invalidating any pending user invites. 
        If you wish to continue type 'yes' and hit enter to continue.

如果没有与 FQDN 相关的新的有效证书,安装程序也会向您发出警告。如果证书验证失败,安装程序会要求您提供由 CA 颁发的新证书或继续使用新的自签名证书。

[ERROR] Validating certificate... Failed
[ERROR] Certificate doesn't have in the SAN

Certificate provided is invalid for the new fqdn, would you like us to configure the new self signed certificate?
If you wish to continue type `yes` and hit enter to continue************************************************************************************
[ERROR] Validating certificate... Failed
[ERROR] Certificate doesn't have in the SAN

Certificate provided is invalid for the new fqdn, would you like us to configure the new self signed certificate?
If you wish to continue type `yes` and hit enter to continue

Make sure to clear all the data from your Redis database. You can do this by running the FLUSHALL command.


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