重要 :
Admin Guide
Last updated 2024年10月21日


The UiPath Robot operates in two modes - Service Mode and User Mode.

Service Mode is designed for unattended automation and allows operations under locked screen or when a user is not logged in.

User Mode, on the other hand, is used for attended automation scenarios requiring human intervention. It runs from the system tray and its capabilities depend on the resources available to the currently logged-in user.

サービス モード

In Service Mode, the Robot runs as a Windows service, therefore it automatically starts once the system boots up. It has system-wide access, completing tasks independently, even if no user is logged into the system.

When you install the Robot in Service Mode, it uses the UiPath.Service.Host.exe service to handle everything related to job execution in the background.

ユーザー モード

In User Mode, the Robot starts only after a user logs in and manually launches an automation. It has the same access rights as the logged-in user. It requires a user interface to perform tasks. Without an active user session, the robot cannot run processes.

When you install the Robot in User Mode, it uses the UiPath.Service.UserHost.exe service to handle everything related to job execution.

Modes comparison

The following table summarizes the main differences between Service Mode and User Mode:

Robot capability

サービス モード

ユーザー モード

System start-up

Automatically starts at system start-up.Starts only when the user manually launches an automation.

User session

Operates independently from any specific user.Operates under the active user session.


Has system-wide access.Has the same access rights as the logged-in user.

Execution requirements

Executes tasks even when no user is logged in.Requires a user interface and an active user session to perform tasks.

Execution resources

Requires more computational resources as it can run more complex tasks.Needs fewer computational resources.

Automation type

Suitable for unattended automation scenarios.Suitable for attended automation scenarios.


Often used in large-scale automation deployments.Typically used for individual or small-scale deployments.

Management service



Mostly invisible during its operation.Visible in the system tray and can be managed from there.

Switching between modes

You can switch between User Mode and Service Mode during the update process.

To switch from User Mode to Service Mode, make sure the RegisterService parameter is added to the ADDLOCAL command.
To switch from Service Mode to User Mode, make sure the RegisterService parameter is removed from the ADDLOCAL command.


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