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Robot 管理ガイド

最終更新日時 2024年12月18日

Installing in a custom path

In the advanced settings of the Robot installation, you have the option to specify a custom installation path. This allows organizations to install the Robot in a specific location, according to their IT policies, rather than using the default path suggested by the installer. However, if the custom path is outside system-controlled folders such as Windows, Program Files, or Users, the system built-in security measures may not fully protect the installation. This can expose the software to unauthorized access or tampering.

We recommend using the system-recommended default path, which is designed to be secure. But if you need to install the Robot in a custom path, consider the following best practices:
  • Restrict write permissions to trusted users, such as SYSTEM or Administrators group members.
  • Ensure regular users cannot modify files in the folder or gain access.


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