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Admin Guide
Last updated 2024年10月21日

ロボット ログを理解する

Logs are time-stamped files that contain informational events, error and warning messages relevant to how the Robot is running.

Robot execution logs

Execution logs are messages generated by the execution of a automation. They include details about the actions of the automation and user-defined messages. Only logs that match the level specified in either Assistant or Orchestrator settings get sent to Orchestrator.

Execution logs are generated as text (.log format) and LiteDB files. If the connection to Orchestrator is lost, logs are stored in the LiteDB file. Once the connection is restored, logs are sent to Orchestrator and deleted from LiteDB. So, even if the connection to Orchestrator drops, logs are not lost.


Robot diagnostic logs are internal logs that include details about the behavior of the Robot and the context it uses to run automations. For instance, it may contain information on how the Robot interacts with different software applications, or how it manages system resources. When an error occurs, these logs pinpoint the exact conditions and actions that led to the error.

The system save robot diagnostic logs in the following locations:

  • The Event Viewer system application - on Windows OSs.

  • %LocalAppData%\UiPath\Logs\internal\Robot.log - for User Mode robots, on Windows operating systems.
  • %PROGRAMDATA%\UiPath\Logs\internal\Robot.log - for Service Mode robots, on Windows operating systems.
  • ~/Library/Application Support/UiPath/Logs/internal/Robot.log - on Mac operating systems.


Driver diagnostic logs include details about the communication and intercations between the robot and specific hardware through a driver. For example, the Robot may need to interact with a printer to print out documents as part of the automation. These logs can help identify whether the problem lies in the driver itself or in how the Robot is communicating with the driver.

Driver diagnostic logs are written to an .etl file. We recommend enabling the driver tracing solely during a problem investigation, and then disabling it when the investigation session is over. The .etl file containing the trace information is generated only after you disable the feature.

Default and user-defined logs

The following events are logged by default by the Robot while executing an automation. These entries are marked as Default in the logType field in the log file.

  • Execution start - logged every time an automation starts, using the Information level and higher.

  • Execution end - logged every time an automation ends, using the Information level and higher.

  • Transaction start - logged at the start of every transaction within an automation, using the Information level and higher.

  • Transaction end - logged upon completion of every transaction within an automation, using the Information level and higher.

  • Error - logged every time the execution encounters an error and stops, using the Error level or higher.

  • Debugging - logged if the Logging Setting in Orchestrator is set to Verbose, using the Trace level or higher. It contains details such as activity names and types, variable values, or arguments.

Use the following activities to generate custom, or user-defined, logs:

  • Write Line activity - creates logs at the Trace level

  • Log Message activity - creates logs at the level selected in the LogLevel property field.

User-defined logs are identified by the User value in the logType field in the log file.


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