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Last updated 22 de out de 2024

Create Comparison Rule



Create Comparison Rule allows you to create comparison rules designed to match and exclude specific parts of the text during document or text comparison. The rule can use various matching techniques, such as regular expressions (regex) or wildcards. These rules allow pattern identification, such as dates, IDs, or dynamic content, that should be ignored.

Compatibilidade do projeto

Windows - Legada | Windows | Multiplataforma


Painel do Designer
  • Rule Name - Represents the rule identifier. This identifier is also used as the placeholder value when excluding specific portions of a text or document.
  • Comparison Rule Type - Indicates the specific rule type for identifying and omitting specified segments from the text or documents during comparison. Available rule types include:
    • RegexRule - Allows you to create a regular expression rule.
    • WildcardRule - Allows you to create a wildcard rule.
  • Pattern - Specifies the particular sequence or structure used in creating the comparison rule. This pattern should correspond to the text or the section of a document you wish to omit. Depending on the Comparison Rule Type, you can input either a regex or wildcard pattern.
Painel de Propriedades


  • Use Placeholder - Decide whether to replace the text, which gets excluded by the rule you created, with a placeholder holding the rule's name.
  • ContinuarComErro — especifica se a automação deve continuar mesmo quando a atividade gera um erro. Este campo só aceita valores booleanos (True, False). O valor padrão é False. Como resultado, se o campo estiver em branco e ocorrer um erro, a execução será interrompida.Se o valor for definido como True, a execução do projeto continua independentemente de qualquer erro.


Comparison Rule - The result of the comparison rule.


This example consists of creating a comparison rule of type regex that excludes any date formats from the texts or documents that you are comparing. In this scenario, we'll configure the activity as follows:

  1. In the Rule Name field, enter a name for the rule.
    In this example, we are using ExcludeDate as the name.
    Note: If you choose to display a placeholder value instead of the excluded text (using the Use Placeholder property), then ensure that the rule name is representative for the text you are excluding.
  2. From the Comparison Rule Type dropdown list, select RegexRule.
  3. In the Pattern field, enter the regular expression sequence that represents all date formats.
    In this example, use the following regex for representing date formats: @"\b(\d{2}[-\/]\d{2}[-\/]\d{4}|\d{4}[-\/]\d{2}[-\/]\d{2})\b".
    If you'd like to use a wildcard, you can use the following pattern ??-??-????, where ? stands for a single character. This pattern can match dates that follow the MM-DD-YYYY format, but it can also match strings like ab-cd-efgh.
  4. For the Use Placeholder field, select True.
    This ensures that in the files we generate after comparing texts or documents, excluded date formats will appear as the rule name: ExcludedDate.
  5. For the Comparison Rule field, create a new variable using the ctrl + k keyboard shortcut.
  • Description
  • Compatibilidade do projeto
  • Configuração
  • Exemplo

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