- Release notes

Orchestrator release notes
November 2023
Now you can easily update the details of a deployed app, including the app name, description, or version. Simply navigate to the Orchestrator folder where the app was deployed, open the Automations > Apps page, access the More actions menu for the desired app, click Edit app details, and make the necessary changes with ease.
The Audit Data window for the Sessions component now includes the Maintenance field, which displays the status of the Maintenance option for unattended machines. 1 marks the enabled status of the machine maintenance mode, and 0 marks its disabled status.
Orchestrator now supports server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service keys (SSE-KMS) for Amazon S3 storage buckets.
We are enforcing the following maximum limits on transaction details fields, in an effort to prevent system overload:
Specific data - 1 MB
Output data - 1 MB
Analytics data - 1 MB
Exception reason - 524,288 characters
Exception details - 524,288 characters
Orchestrator now provides you with a streamlined way of executing jobs through a third-party application of your choice.
To that end, we are introducing API triggers, a means to generate an API endpoint that allows you to run a job from an external application. All you need to do is create a trigger based on a process, copy the resulting URL, paste it into your tool, and authorize the request - this will run the job with the parameters you define.
These are the new items that you'll notice in the interface as part of this launch:
the API Triggers option in the Automations > Triggers section
the API Trigger option in the Add Trigger list of the process contextual menu
several tenant settings to be found on the General tab:
CORS allow list for API triggers (in the API Settings section)
Require Authentication header for sync API Triggers redirects (in the API Settings section)
Triggers - API Triggers - Maximum pending jobs limit (in the Execution settings section)
Find out more general information about API triggers, learn how to manage them, then see how to run a job via an API trigger.
External feeds used for libraries can now also be secured through basic authentication credentials, as is already the case for packages.
Our mission of optimizing the access control framework continues with a significant improvement to the roles and permissions check window.
Now, any changes made to your directory users in the Admin portal - including updates or deletions - are reflected within your Orchestrator's user list and audit logs across all tenants.
User System Administrator updated/deleted account {user_mail}
. For a full breakdown of the changes, click View Details in Audit Data.
When a directory user is deleted:
Any connected robots will also be automatically deleted.
Associated personal workspaces will become orphaned. These can still be explored, or you can choose to convert them into modern folders.
Please note, a delay may be experienced whilst synchronizing these updates to Orchestrator.
We understand the importance of ensuring your automation's compatibility with the latest UiPath software versions. To empower you in this endeavor, we are introducing a new update option that complements the default one:
Introducing Delayed auto-update: In the past, UiPath software updates were regularly deployed to your VMs two weeks after a new version was released. With the Delayed auto-update option, you can now postpone the update by one Enterprise version.
Example: Let's say the current UiPath software version is 2023.10, and you select the delayed auto-update option. The installed software on your VMs remains at version 2023.4, until you're ready to update.
Security first: Your security is our top priority. Any software versions containing critical security fixes are automatically and immediately pushed to your VMs, regardless of your chosen update option.
Enjoy greater flexibility in managing your UiPath software versions.
This option is available during the creation of Automation Cloud Robots - VM and Elastic Robot pools.
Your Automation Cloud Robots experience has taken another leap forward. You can now provision VMs using a familiar setup – your personal cloud hard drive.
This enhancement is designed with your convenience in mind. Here's what you need to know:
Effortles image replication: If you already have a setup in your cloud subscription, you can now create a copy of the image and upload it as the base image for your Automation Cloud Robots VMs.
Time-saving: Say goodbye to the headache of migrating from your on-premises or cloud-managed infrastructure to Automation Cloud Robots VMs.
Simplified software installation: No more constant remote desktop connections to add required software. The new provisioning method eliminates the back-and-forth, making it more efficient and user-friendly. Your time is better spent on your automation tasks, not software installations.
Customized robot account: You can now run jobs under your preferred robot account, enhancing control over your automation projects.
Upgrade your Automation Cloud Robots experience today with this new feature.
The date when a change is first announced in the release notes is the date when it first becomes available.
If you don't see the change yet, you can expect to see it soon, after we roll out changes to all the regions.
We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.
- 30 November 2023
- Editing the details of a deployed app
- 28 November 2023
- Auditing machine maintenance actions
- Support for S3 buckets with SSE-KMS
- New limits on transaction details
- Performance improvements
- 13 November 2023
- Running jobs via API calls
- Authenticating external feeds
- Re-triggering queue triggers
- Checking assigned roles and permissions
- Directory user events handling in Orchestrator
- Decreasing the storage limit for input/output arguments
- 10 November 2023
- New update system for machines in cloud pools
- Bringing your own image for Automation Cloud Robots pools
- When can I see these changes?
- Deprecation timeline