- Release notes

Orchestrator release notes
May 2023
A new execution setting, Queues - Unprocessed queue items check frequency (minutes), is now available on the General tab of your tenant settings, allowing you to control the amount of time between checks for queue items that are waiting to be processed.
POST odata/Webhooks
endpoints are no longer allowed, as they impacted API performance due to large data scans.
The App launcher menu in the top left corner of the application is now always collapsed, displaying the full list of products and services available to you only when clicked.
sources (i.e. the Include Sources option selected in the Publish options > Compilation settings section) can now be viewed in their entirety in the package explorer. This applies to Windows and cross-platform projects.
Now you can register your ACR-VMs with Azure AD, provided that the VM is built on top of a Windows Desktop machine. Details ...
Apps are now readily available in Orchestrator: they are always published to a tenant, and can subsequently be deployed in folders, enabling you to get up and running at lightning speed.
The Apps page allows you to deploy a published app, manage previously deployed apps, keep all your apps up to date with the most recent versions, run a deployed app, and go directly to an app project.
As part of this feature, two new permissions are available in Orchestrator: Apps and App Versions.
Erratum 13 June 2023
Due to a mishap on our side, this feature was not available on the original announcement day (16 May 2023).
Today marks the start of the gradual blocking of classic executions in classic folders.
This will occur throughout the next two weeks for Community organizations, with Enterprise organizations being scheduled for the month of June.
If you haven't already, please migrate your classic folders to the modern framework using the dedicated wizard or through manual migration.
Read more about the implications of this change, and why it is important to migrate as soon as possible.
The URL of the official host feed for packages has been changed to https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/uipath/Public.Feeds/_packaging/UiPath-Official/nuget/v3/index.json, and the Myget feed is now deprecated.
to the allow list. Otherwise, you will no longer be able to download official UiPath libraries.
The Action Catalog option has been added to the Type filtering menu in the tenant search window.
endpoint has been improved to serve the following use cases:
You provide a single schedule ID, and we return "200 OK" if valid, or the corresponding response code (for example, "404 Not found") for an invalid ID.
You provide multiple schedule IDs, which we validate one by one. For this, we've added the
parameter (Boolean) to the request payload, which changes the response output:-
When the value is "false" (default value), if any of the schedule IDs is invalid, the response code is "200 OK", and the response body contains the key-value pair
{"value": false}
, which indicates there are some invalid IDs, but doesn't list them. If all schedule IDs are correct, the response body displays{"value": true}
. -
When the value is set to "true", if any of the schedule IDs is invalid, the response code is "207 Multi-Status", and the response body lists all the invalid schedule IDs. If all schedule IDs are correct, the response code is "200 OK", and the response body displays
{"value": true}
to "false".
As announced in January 2023, we're deprecating the possibility to alter the final state of a transaction using APIs. See the Deprecation timeline in our Overview guide for more information.
The date when a change is first announced in the release notes is the date when it first becomes available.
If you don't see the change yet, you can expect to see it soon, after we roll out changes to all the regions.
We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.
- 30 May 2023
- New execution setting
- Mandatory webhook name
- $count function calls
- Collapsed App launcher menu
- Packages with sources in the package explorer
- 23 May 2023
- Features out of preview
- 19 May 2023
- Registering ACR-VMs with Azure AD
- 16 May 2023
- Apps in folders
- 3 May 2023
- Blocking classic executions
- Host feed changed
- New type filtering option in tenant search
- New ProcessSchedule API Workflow
- Altering the transaction final state via API is now deprecated
- When can I see these changes?
- Deprecation Timeline